The Limited Times

Tops / Flops Montpellier-LOSC: Jardim succeeds in his interim, Sakho unlucky

2/12/2022, 7:11:43 PM

An impeccable Leo Jardim, Mamadou Sakho in lack of success... Find our Tops and Flops of Lille's victory at La Mosson (0-1).


Jardim, a successful interim

To discover

  • Calendar and results Ligue 1

  • League 1 standings

The Brazilian goalkeeper was not in a comfortable situation at kick-off.

Holder in place of Ivo Gbric, punished for his errors against Paris, he nevertheless delivered an excellent copy.

Attentive and solid in the first period, he repelled the four shots on target from Montpellier.

In a sometimes unacademic but effective style, he was able to reassure a defense that found itself (see below).

His kicking game could be improved but he ensured the essentials by never putting his team in danger.

He was still scared on a collision with Botman in the second period but released a spontaneous strike from Savanier.

To see if he will be established in the next meetings but one thing is certain, Grbic will find his position against Chelsea.

Injured during the transmission of the list of players to UEFA,

Savanier, the artist is back

After three games of suspension for a bad gesture against Troyes, Téji Savanier wanted to mark his return.

From the third minute, he managed a small bridge on Gudmundsson by making a heel.

The attacking midfielder was sparkling and brought a bit of sunshine to a very sad first half.

His crosses, his charms and his hooks annoyed Lille and André, Gomes then Celik were warned for fouls on him.

The best player of December then passed away on returning from the locker room, even if he is often in the good shots of his people.

The only downside to his performance, his constant nervousness, which earned him a yellow card (see below).

A Lille hinge found

Is the Lille defense back?

While the composition of Jocelyn Gourvennec could reveal a passage to five, José Fonte and Sven Botman showed that two centrals were enough.

This afternoon, the two defenders recalled their level of play, the one that led them to a title of champions of France, leaving no crumbs to the Héraultais.

If the Montpellier residents still fired 16 times, almost no shot was attempted without a Lille resident.

Solid in marking and incisive in anticipation, the two golgoths reassured an entire team in pain and validated their second clean sheet of the season.

Their sides have had more trouble.

Djalo, repositioned on the left was scrambling while Celik was often taken and did not bring offensively.


Nervousness on both sides

With 7 cards distributed, one would think that Stéphanie Frappart has drawn the crackers to control the spirits.

However, the woman in yellow could have distributed much more given the tension on and off the pitch.

Taken by the challenge, these two teams in difficulty in 2022 have continued to make mistakes and contest.

The soles dragged, the simulations abounded and the insults flared.

Like Téji Savanier, who will even end up being warned for yet another gesture of humor.

A little earlier, he had already exchanged pleasantries with Jorge Maciel, Jocelyn Gourvennec's assistant.

Even after the final whistle, tempers had not calmed down with tussles in the tunnel.

A nervousness which, in the end, probably took over the game, as the players seemed tense.

Unlucky Sakho

Mamadou Sakho didn't have much to do with his afternoon.

Lille's offensives, undermined by inaccuracies, often stopped before they even reached the central defender.

And often, it was his comrade Cozza, imperial in anticipation, who diverted the danger.

But in the 77th, his defense left Benjamin Andre too much space.

The Lille midfielder armed a shot from 25 meters and Sakho was on the trajectory.

But the former French international was missing and only slowing the ball, which passed between his legs.

The leather then reached the feet of Xeka, who only had to push it into the empty goal, since Omlin had already dived.

In additional time, the former Parisian was again trapped, this time by Burak Yilmaz.

The Turk played him in an aerial duel and spun towards the Montpellier goal.

Fortunately, for Sakho, his goalkeeper saved him the bet of a reflex stoppage on the dive attempt of "Kral".

But the damage was done, the impression left by the one passed by Liverpool did not convince.