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Anna Aronov returns to "Dancing with the Stars": "I owe everything to this format" | Israel today

2/13/2022, 7:42:02 AM

17 years after she was discovered as a dancer in the reality show, Aronov returns to her as a judge • "First of all I am a dancer", she says, "this is the thing I am the best at"

17 years after she first appeared on screen as a dancer in "Dancing with the Stars", and became one of the most prominent stars in Israel, Anna Aronov returns to where it all began.

Tonight she arrives for the new season of the format, which costs 12 arcs, only this time she is on the standard of a judge and not a dancer who commands a celeb.

Next to her at the judges' table sat Rona Lee Shimon (who also broke out as a dancer in the dance reality show "Born to Dance"), David Dvir and Eli Mizrahi (who also judged in the original format).

"As soon as I was offered the job - I said yes," says Aronov.

"I knew in advance that if that happened there was no way I would not take it."

You owe this format your career.

"Unequivocally. If it weren't for Dancing in 2005 (the original show aired online from 2005 to 2012) you probably would not have known me.

In my case it's also more surprising, because I came to the show from a professional place and did not expect to be published.

I came just to do my job.

What happened next happened, and by and large - I did not imagine that would happen.

I really admit it happened because I enjoy everything that happened to me in life in the years that followed.

Going back there after 17 years as a judge is not just closing a circle, but a big deal for me.

I got there a 24-year-old girl who knows how to dance ballroom dances, and I came a long way respectably.

Today I can look back and be proud of myself. "

Do you think there is potential for one of the dancers in the new season to break out like you?

"I wish them that. There are amazing and charismatic dancers, and if that happens to them - it will be amazing. I would love for another Anna Aronov to come out of there. It's a reality that requires a lot of perseverance and desire, and if that happens - it will be fun."

You broke out as a dancer, but after the show you actually danced less.

"People did not know, but until five years ago I had a studio and taught ballroom dancing. It is true that in recent years I have moved away from it a bit and left the studio, but it can not be taken away from me. "The thing that I am the best at and that I enjoy the most. I'm glad that life offers me a lot of things, but my comfort zone is dance."

Are you dancing today?

"I teach a bit, and I do workshops. And for the pan I go to the studio on a weekly basis. In the last year, especially after the birth, I went back to dancing more."

Aronov as a dancer on the show in 2010 with Michael Lewis, Photo: Lior Mizrahi

How about the celebs taking part in the season?

People like Yael Bar Zohar, Adi Ashkenazi, Sandy Bar, Eden Pines, Rotem Cohen, Eli Ildis, Prof. Idit Matot.

"This is the strongest season. Some have a background in dance, some have very good abilities and everyone has a lot of desire. The new version is much more contemporary. The show is bigger, and the numbers wow. When you look at most of the participants - you can not guess they have never danced in their lives. Although we as judges are not always enthusiastic about the performance, the audience sitting on the couch at home will be very impressed. "

Are you a tough judge?

"I come from ballroom dancing, and I see every mistake. It's my profession. But I was on the other side and I know what they're going through, so I feel very at home and I feel comfortable judging it."

Are you also hard on them sometimes?

"It happens because I am a professional judge and I can not fly over everyone. When there are less good dances - I have to visit, but I get pissed. I much more enjoy flattering. This".

Honestly, do you prefer to dance or judge?

"It's a really hard question. I'm very upset that I'm not dancing, and sometimes there's an amazing number I want to dance to. But I'm at this point in my life that I'm with a baby and sleepless at night, I'm not there. "

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