The Limited Times

Beijing: long TAS hearing on Valieva case, "decision by the hour"

2/13/2022, 9:48:10 PM

Meanwhile, the 15-year-old Russian trains for Tuesday's skating test (ANSA)  It was a long hearing that concluded by the Commission of the CAS on the case of the Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva. The judges must decide whether or not to suspend it for a doping case.     "It was a long hearing. Now the jury will deliberate until the end of the morning - said Matthieu Reeb, secretary general of the CAS - I can't comment on the hearing, but I hope to give you a decision

 It was a long hearing that concluded by the Commission of the CAS on the case of the Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva.

The judges must decide whether or not to suspend it for a doping case.

    "It was a long hearing. Now the jury will deliberate until the end of the morning - said Matthieu Reeb, secretary general of the CAS - I can't comment on the hearing, but I hope to give you a decision in a few hours". 

15-year-old star of Russian skating, Kamila Valieva has tested positive for a banned substance (trimetazidine), she will be able to continue the Beijing 2022 Games. This while the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has announced the opening of an investigation on the technical staff who works with the very young European champion.

Meanwhile, Valieva continues to train.

On the ice of the Olympic rink, she Dressed in a dark green top and black pants, she appeared calm and focused, skating all of her short program except a jump.

At noon she put her skates back on, this time on the training track.

But, while the previous day she had crossed the mixed zone hiding her face with a sweater, today she greeted the journalists with a resounding "good morning".


It was a crucial day for the young career of the Russian, a great favorite of the female individual.

The specially constituted TAS commission began to hear the streets parties by videoconference from 20:30 local time (13:30 Italian time).

First of all, the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (Rusada) which decided to revoke its provisional suspension following the appeal of the skater at the beginning of the week.

The jury will deliberate, but will not make its decision known to interested parties until tomorrow afternoon.

Valieva will therefore have just over 24 hours to prepare the short program on Tuesday evening in Beijing, if the CAS rejects the appeal of the sports authorities, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in the lead, and will be allowed to continue his Olympics.

If, on the other hand, the CAS agrees with the IOC,

Valieva will no longer touch the Olympic ice.

"We must remember that there is a human dimension to this affair, which involves a person of 15 years old. We must treat it with extreme attention", underlined Christophe Dubi, executive director of the Games.

Whatever happens, the Russian will remain in the spotlight, while the Olympic movement could experience a new serious crisis.

The skater tested positive after a check on December 25, at the Russian Championships in St. Petersburg, carried out by the Russian anti-doping agency, which however received the positive result only on Tuesday.

executive director of the Games.

Whatever happens, the Russian will remain in the spotlight, while the Olympic movement could experience a new serious crisis.

The skater tested positive after a check on December 25, at the Russian Championships in St. Petersburg, carried out by the Russian anti-doping agency, which however received the positive result only on Tuesday.

executive director of the Games.

Whatever happens, the Russian will remain in the spotlight, while the Olympic movement could experience a new serious crisis.

The skater tested positive after a check on December 25, at the Russian Championships in St. Petersburg, carried out by the Russian anti-doping agency, which however received the positive result only on Tuesday.

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