The Limited Times

Ginzburg and Promitiy have left Ukraine: "There is starting to be some pressure" - Walla! sport

2/13/2022, 6:24:30 PM

In the 103FM sports program, they talked to the coach whose team transferred its training to the Czech Republic following the threats of the Russian invasion: "The Americans put pressure on the whole system, so the foreigners were pressured."

Ginzburg and Promitiy leave Ukraine: "There is starting to be some pressure"

The 103FM sports program spoke to the coach whose team transferred its training to the Czech Republic following threats of a Russian invasion: "The Americans put pressure on the whole system, so the foreigners were pressured. Chris Dow told me 'where am I going to go to war'"




Sunday, 13 February 2022, 19:55

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Winds of war have been blowing in Europe in recent days against the backdrop of the tense situation between Russia and Ukraine, and on the 103FM sports program tonight (Sunday) they spoke with Nano Ginzburg, the Ukrainian Promitei coach who transferred her training to the Czech Republic following developments.

Asked if he and Promitei are considered refugees in the Czech Republic, Ginzburg clarified: "Neither a refugee nor a fugitive, we go to train there because we do not know what will happen here. Until yesterday people did not comment on it. Feels like there is some pressure "Everyone is quite optimistic, but they have said it before."

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"The Americans put pressure on the whole system."

Ginzburg (Photo: Official Website, Promitey BC)

Ginzburg, who as an Israeli, of course, operations wars are commonplace, clarified that there is no panic among the group: "First of all, Ukraine is a huge country, we are 7-6 hours away from one place and if they go to Kiev we are 7 hours away. The panic was created. "From the outside. The Americans have put pressure on the whole system, maybe they know something we do not know or they are just retarded. I am not a political commentator, but for them the story is the president."

The coach was also asked about Israel calling on its residents and the Jewish community in Ukraine to leave: "We do it to get out of duty, like all governments. The Americans pressured the whole system so the foreigners were pressured. If we only played in the league we would release them home "

We said we would move to the Czech Republic.

" "I have Chris Dow, who was in Israel last year, and he made all the fuss here with me in the team," he joked,

  • sport

  • basketball

  • Euroleague and European basketball


  • Nano Ginzburg