The Limited Times

In Kiev, the population resists panic despite rumors of war

2/13/2022, 7:54:08 PM

REPORT - In Ukraine, Russian troops massed on the other side of the border are at the heart of much discussion.

In Kyiv


is the word that comes up on everyone's lips in Kiev when you ask about the mood of the moment.

On this sunny winter Sunday, in the center of the Ukrainian capital, life goes on.

Families walk along the banks of the Dnieper, shopping centers and cafes are full and some lovers are already buying flowers in anticipation of Valentine's Day.

But when you listen, Russian troops and military equipment massed across the border are the subject of much discussion.

If the war is not in the air, it is beautiful and well in the minds.

Anastasia, 23, would never have thought of leaving Ukraine, her country of origin.

But when his US consulting firm, which has already evacuated its foreign staff, called it

"everything became more real


For the past few weeks, we have felt schizophrenic: on the one hand, we repeat to ourselves that an invasion is impossible, on the other we are panicked when we read the news


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