The Limited Times

Jacques Herzog: "The essential thing for an architecture is that it be accepted and experienced"

2/13/2022, 7:06:21 PM

INTERVIEW – While the construction of his still very controversial tower has just started, the architect, one of the two partners of the famous Basel agency, has no regrets about his tower. On the contrary! Eventually, it will be a landmark in the landscape of Paris.

Jacques Herzog (71) founded his agency in Basel, Switzerland, with Pierre de Meuron (same age), forty-four years ago.

Together, these two winners of the Pritzker Prize, the equivalent of the Nobel in architecture, have multiplied achievements around the world: from the Tate Modern in London (2000), to the Schaulager Museum, in their city (2003), from the National Stadium from Beijing (2008) to the Elbe Philharmonic in Hamburg (2016), from the Prada store in Tokyo (2002) to the very recent M+ in Hong Kong (2021).

In France, they carried out a housing operation (17, rue des Suisses, Paris 14th) which won them the Équerre d'Argent prize in 2001, the new football stadium in Bordeaux and the housing tower with balconies rounded in the Lyon Confluence district.

Still, leaving its mark on Paris is a quest for all architects.

For Herzog &

de Meuron, it takes shape with Triangle, a project that has been attacked many times.

Thick cuirass hiding finesse and sensitivity, Jacques Herzog responds to…

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