The Limited Times

Jean-Marie Le Méné: “The Church cannot approve the legalization of assisted suicide”

2/13/2022, 6:12:24 PM

TRIBUNE - Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, the president of the Lejeune Foundation disputes the hypothesis that the Church can no longer oppose assisted suicide, while some voices are raised in this direction, particularly in Italy .

Two texts sow confusion on assisted suicide which is debated in Italy at the moment.

The first is an article by Father Carlo Casalone, a Jesuit, published on January 15 in the magazine

La Civilta cattolica

, under the title “The parliamentary discussion on assisted suicide”


The second is a column by Mrs. Marie-Jo Thiel published in a daily newspaper.

Why do these articles bring confusion?

Their signatories are both members of the Pontifical Academy for Life and agree that their respective statements contradict the doctrine of the Church.

From one article to another, the Italian case leads to a generalization that would anticipate a reversal of the universal Church on assisted suicide.

It does not take more for the newspaper

La Croix

title: "Assisted suicide, the Vatican's strategic turn on bioethics".

As if the case was heard.

The article does not shy away from asserting:

“The Pontifical Academy for Life has recently shown itself to be favorable…

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