The Limited Times

Palestinian plastic artists recall Khaled Abu Khaled's memory in Abu Rummaneh cultural

2/13/2022, 9:42:27 PM

Damascus, SANA- The late Khaled Abu Khaled was not only a poet and a resistance fighter, but he was a plastic artist whose paintings carried many


The late Khaled Abu Khaled was not only a poet and a fighter, but he was a plastic artist whose paintings carried as much meaning and depth as his poems.

Palestinian plastic artists expressed their loyalty to the poet who left our world earlier this year through a group exhibition hosted by the Arab Cultural Center in Abu Rummaneh.

Plastic artist Abdel Muti Abu Zaid, head of the Union of Palestinian Plastic Artists in Syria, explained to SANA that the exhibition is an attempt to express loyalty to a creator and fighter who has always resisted by various means and remained a believer in the inevitability of liberation and was present in all fields and left in plastic art distinguished works that combine painting and poetry, and for that we work to commemorate him.

The daughter of the late poet Bisan Abu Khaled expressed her thanks to the Loyalty Station, which confirms that the Palestinian people of all categories celebrate their symbols of resistance, pointing to the beautiful meanings in the participating works that symbolize adherence to the land and struggle and renew the message of the late, who despite his passion for drawing did not make many exhibitions out of humility, but His experience carried a lot of creativity.

Plastic artist Ali Jarwan participated in two works, the first entitled (The Dream) and the second inspired by Mahmoud Darwish's poem (We love wheat more), where he pointed out that nostalgia and love of the land are the link between his paintings and the message of the artist poet Abu Khaled.

Artist Hanan Ibrahim participated in a work that represents the Palestinian dress and suggests victory and return to the land, no matter how long it takes, and this is what the late believed in.

Plastic artist Moataz Al-Omari participated in three works that tell of the suffering of the Palestinian people in the diaspora and adherence to the right of return, pointing out that Palestinian artists continue to carry the message of the late poet and artist until the liberation of the entire Palestinian Arab land.

Among the audience, the poet Suleiman Al-Salman talked about his accompaniment to Abu Khaled in his poetic and artistic career, and he sees him as one of the great poets who resisted with their poems, art and weapons, and carried the Palestinian cause in all forums.

Bilal Ahmad

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