The Limited Times

Seaside, the majority are working on a joint motion

2/13/2022, 3:54:03 PM

The FdI motion is arriving in the Chamber. Melons: 'They must be excluded from the Bolkenstein directive' (ANSA)

"We are working on a joint majority motion".

This was said to ANSA by Piero De Luca, deputy leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber

about the Bolkenstein directive concerning, among other things, bathing

establishments, on which Fdi presented a motion whose discussion will begin tomorrow in the Chamber.

De Luca explains that during the week only the discussion of these steering documents will begin, given that the Chamber is committed to two urgent decrees, and that the joint motion will be filed next week when voting begins.

"Brothers of Italy - said Giorgia Meloni in recent days - has always supported the exclusion of bathing establishments, as well as street vendors, from the Bolkestein directive. For this reason our motion will be discussed next week: that day in the Chamber we will see clearly and definitive who is on the side of Italian companies and workers and who instead wants to give this heritage of our tourism to the appetites of multinationals and large foreign groups ".