The Limited Times

The Cuban Communist Party renews its support for Syria in its war against terrorism

2/13/2022, 6:30:36 PM

Havana, SANA- The Cuban Communist Party has renewed its support for Syria in its war against terrorism, stressing that victory will be


The Cuban Communist Party renewed its support for Syria in its war against terrorism, stressing that victory will soon be its ally.

Party Central Committee member Roberto Morales Ojeda, during his meeting with Syria's ambassador to Cuba, Idris Maya, condemned the terrorist war against Syria, stressing Cuba's support for its sovereignty and independence.

Ojeda stressed the importance of developing the relationship between the Cuban Communist Party and the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, noting the Baath Party's struggle path and the sacrifices and heroisms of the Syrian Arab Army in the face of terrorism.

For his part, Maya reviewed the latest developments in the political and field situation in Syria, stressing that Syria will fail all imperialist plans on its lands thanks to the steadfastness of its people and the heroism of its army.

Mia condemned the embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba, stressing the importance of upgrading the relations of the two countries in various fields.

The meeting was attended by the deputy head of the Department of Foreign Relations in the party's Central Committee, Angel Arzuaga Reyes, the head of the Middle East and North Africa department in the party, Myriam Morales, and the official in charge of Syria in the party, Joanna Gutierrez.