The Limited Times

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation has approved: The minimum wage will increase to 6,000 by 2026 - Walla! news

2/13/2022, 7:48:13 PM

The committee approved the draft law under which the minimum wage will increase slightly each year, or will alternatively be compared to 47.5% of the average wage, according to a November agreement with the Histadrut and employers. Another approved an extra day off per year

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation has approved: The minimum wage will increase to 6,000 by 2026

The committee approved the draft law under which the minimum wage will increase slightly each year, or will alternatively be compared to 47.5% of the average wage, according to a November agreement with the Histadrut and employers.

Another approved an extra day off per year

Between Ashkenazi


Sunday, 13 February 2022, 21:37 Updated: 21:45

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In the video: Lieberman announces a package deal to raise the minimum wage (Photo: GPO)

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation this evening (Sunday) approved the draft law under which the minimum wage will gradually increase to NIS 6,000, by January 2026. This is in accordance with an agreement between the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Economy, the Histadrut, the President of the Business Sector, the President According to the law, in April this year the minimum wage will increase to NIS


. A year later it will increase by another NIS 100. In April 2024 another step will be taken and the wage will climb to NIS 5,700, after another year the wage will increase An additional NIS 100, until the completion of the move in January 2026. Alternatively, the minimum wage will be compared to 47.5% of the average wage - whichever is higher.

More on Walla!

The minimum wage will increase to NIS 6,000 a month

To the full article

The minimum wage will increase.

Minister of Finance Lieberman (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel)

The bill seeks to increase vacation days from 16 days to 17, for employees who have been employed in their workplace for up to five years.

In addition, the current overtime calculation method will be corrected.

The arrangement will be examined for three years, and the conclusions will be submitted to the Knesset.

  • news

  • Political-political


  • Ministerial Committee for Legislation

  • The minimum wage

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