The Limited Times

United States: why inflation stops Joe Biden's great social law

2/13/2022, 6:54:37 PM

ANALYSIS - Congress fears that massive new government spending will fuel the sharp rise in prices. The acceleration of inflation sounds the death knell in Washington for the great social law that Joe Biden dreamed of. His more than $2 trillion legislative package, dubbed “Build Back Better,” representing the largest expansion of social programs in the United States since the years of Lyndon Johnson, will not pass Congress. The fall in purchasing power, caused by the sharpest price hike since 1

The acceleration of inflation sounds the death knell in Washington for the great social law that Joe Biden dreamed of.

His more than $2 trillion legislative package, dubbed “Build Back Better,” representing the largest expansion of social programs in the United States since the years of Lyndon Johnson, will not pass Congress.

The fall in purchasing power, caused by the sharpest price hike since 1982, is one of the fundamental reasons for the collapse in February of American morale, the lowest for more than ten years.

60% of voters disapprove of the way President Biden leads the country.

President's error in judgment

In this context, the vote by Congress of a new law providing for massive increases in public spending is unlikely.

It would be the fourth in two years, after the 900 billion dollars of the bipartisan anti-Covid plan of December 2020, the 1900 billion stimulus of March 2021 voted exclusively by the Democrats, and the bipartisan plan of modernization…

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