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Zakharova: Washington continues to spread lies about Ukraine

2/13/2022, 8:48:09 PM

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reiterated that the United States Moscow-Sana Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reiterated that the United States of America continues to spread lies about the Ukrainian crisis, bringing to mind the scene of its security adviser, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, waving his bottle to justify the invasion of Iraq. Zakharova said on her Telegram channel: “American politicians still lie and invent pretexts


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reiterated that the United States of America continues to spread lies about the Ukrainian crisis, bringing to mind the scene of its security adviser, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, waving his bottle to justify the invasion of Iraq.

Zakharova said on her Telegram channel: “American politicians still lie and invent pretexts to attack civilians across the world, a fact known to all.

Zakharova added, "The world knows who is constantly lying, but he who has forgotten how Washington fabricates pretexts for attacks, he should review Colin Powell's speech before the UN Security Council on February 5, 2003," noting that Powell himself repeatedly admitted later that during his speech before the Security Council he had He made a decision about the invasion of Iraq and he was upset because it turned out that a lot of the statements that were presented to the Security Council were wrong.

And Zakharova said that more than a thousand experts confirmed in a report issued after the invasion of Iraq that no significant quantities of weapons of mass destruction were found in this country, which was a pretext at the time for this invasion.

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