The Limited Times

Basketball: Sassari; all negative, ready for Final eight

2/14/2022, 2:42:26 PM

Bucchi, "the boys were very keen on the Italian Cup" (ANSA) Dinamo Banco di Sardegna comes out of quarantine, archives Covid and prepares for the Final eight of the Italian Cup in Pesaro, with the impossible challenge that on Wednesday will see them engaged in the quarterfinals against the armored Armani Milano. "Today we will check the physical conditions of the last guys who have been negativized and then we will be ready to face this competition that th

Dinamo Banco di Sardegna comes out of quarantine, archives Covid and prepares for the Final eight of the Italian Cup in Pesaro, with the impossible challenge that on Wednesday will see them engaged in the quarterfinals against the armored Armani Milano.

"Today we will check the physical conditions of the last guys who have been negativized and then we will be ready to face this competition that the players care a lot about.

    Their desire to participate will make up for some shortcomings that at this moment we have seen that we come out of a week of covid ", explains coach Piero Bucchi in the presentation conference of the Final eight." We will try to play a good game, aware that we are in front of an excellent team.

We do not come as favorites, given our condition and the strength of the opponent, but we can count on many players and we will try to find the continuity and energy necessary to face the match. "

    The match between Dinamo and Milan will open the Final Eight on Wednesday at 6 pm, then Sassari will play the eventual semifinal on Saturday afternoon, while the final is scheduled for Sunday at 6 pm. "The boys were very keen to reach the Final Eight, they have always worked hard a lot in the gym and training and I think that participating in the competition is the right reward for their self-denial that they have always shown ".