The Limited Times

Beijing: curling, Italy's new defeat, 3-7 against Canada

2/14/2022, 2:42:56 PM

It is the fifth for the Azzurri, semifinals a mirage (ANSA)  Italy fails to overtake Canada, yielding 7-3, and three games from the end of the round robin phase is likely to say goodbye to the chances of hitting the semifinals. The balance sheet of the blue team formed by Joel Retornaz, Sebastiano Arman, Simone Gonin and Amos Mosaner so far includes only one victory, yesterday's against Switzerland, and five defeats.     As happened on other occasions, Ita

 Italy fails to overtake Canada, yielding 7-3, and three games from the end of the round robin phase is likely to say goodbye to the chances of hitting the semifinals.

The balance sheet of the blue team formed by Joel Retornaz, Sebastiano Arman, Simone Gonin and Amos Mosaner so far includes only one victory, yesterday's against Switzerland, and five defeats.

    As happened on other occasions, Italy remained in the game until halfway through the game and then gradually lost blows in the second half.

The Italian team occupies the ninth provisional position in the standings, which could improve by winning all the next ones.