The Limited Times

Government: Read, good that it goes ahead with this majority

2/14/2022, 6:43:00 PM

"I maintain that it is good that this government goes ahead with this majority that supports it, that this large majority is a positive fact". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 14 - "I argue that it is good that this government goes ahead with this majority that supports it, that this large majority is a positive fact".

This was said by the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta during the presentation of the book on Sergio Mattarella 'The man of the rules', by NicolaGraziani, in Rome.

    As for the electoral law "I believe - he adds - that there should be a discussion that sees all protagonists and if there is a positive climate that matures if the consequences will be seen, there must be no forcing of one type or another. I see all the difficulties , I see the need, because the current law is horrible, but I see all the difficulties.