The Limited Times

Reactions to the Valiyeva verdict: "We are disappointed with the message that comes from it"

2/14/2022, 9:31:09 AM

The International Court of Arbitration for Sport decided that 15-year-old Russian Kamila Valiewa was allowed to compete in figure skating despite suspected doping. There is sharp criticism for this – and praise from Russia.

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Kamila Valiyeva


Bernat Armangue/AP

The 15-year-old figure skater Kamila Valiyeva is allowed to compete in the individual competition of figure skaters at the Olympics - despite a positive doping test.

This was decided by the International Court of Arbitration for Sports.

The decision was welcomed in Valiyeva's homeland of Russia, but otherwise it was primarily criticized internationally.

"We are disappointed with the message emanating from this decision," said the


National Olympic Committee (NOC)


"It is the collective responsibility of the entire Olympic community to protect the integrity of sport and to hold our athletes, coaches and everyone involved to the highest standards," it said: "Athletes have a right to know that they are under." compete under the same conditions.

Unfortunately they are denied that today.

This appears to be another chapter in Russia's systematic and pervasive disregard for clean sport.”

US Anti

-Doping Agency chief

Travis Tygart said only time will tell "whether Valiyeva should compete in these games and whether all her results will be disqualified or not." hijacked the competition and stole the moment from the clean participants and the public." And further: "Apart from the athletes and the public, this young athlete was attacked by the Russians and the global anti-doping system, which unfairly plunged her into this chaos. terribly deserted."

"Wada is disappointed with the decision"

The World Anti-Doping Agency


also criticized the verdict – alongside the International Olympic Committee (IOC), it had taken action against Valiyeva starting individually.

This launch is "not in line with the provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code," it said.

"Wada is disappointed with today's decision by the Cas Ad Hoc Department."

“Although Wada did not receive the reasoned award, it appears that the Cas panel decided not to apply the provisions of the Code, which does not allow specific exceptions to mandatory provisional suspensions for 'protected persons', including minors. «

"Extremely unhappy and sad for the athletes"



the situation was "extremely unfortunate and sad for the athletes".

The Canadian NOC is fully committed to clean sport and we firmly believe that no one involved in doping or other corrupt practices has a place in the Olympic movement.”

Although one trusts "that the Cas decision was the result of a fair process", but: "We are extremely disappointed with this result."

"Doping of minors must be stopped"

The international

sports representative Global Athlete

announced: »The fact that a performance-enhancing substance was detected in Kamila Valiyeva (...) is evidence of the abuse of a minor.

Sport should protect its athletes and not harm them." The case must be "a wake-up call for all fans, parents and athletes who stand together and demand reforms." And further: "Doping of minors must be stopped.

A country that systematically dopes its athletes must not take part in international sport.«

"Let's go, Kamila!"

In Russia, the additional Olympic start permission was received with great relief.

"Tomorrow the whole country will be cheering for her (Valieva) and all our wonderful figure skaters," wrote the

Russian NOK

with a view to the women's individual competition starting on Tuesday.

Russian ice dancer Nikita Kazalapov also encouraged the 15-year-old in Beijing: "Let's go, Kamila!" Kazalapov said after winning the silver medal with his partner Viktoria Sinizina.

The President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation, Alexander Gorshkov, told the state agency Ria Novosti: "The only thing that can be said here is that common sense and justice have prevailed."
