The Limited Times

Sindelfingen: Man races across Mercedes grounds – police officer shoots him in the leg

2/14/2022, 1:13:34 PM

A 61-year-old apparently raced across the Mercedes company premises in Sindelfingen. When the police arrived, he is said to have pulled out a knife – an officer fired a shot.

Enlarge image

The factory premises of Mercedes-Benz in Sindelfingen

Photo: Eibner press photo / Kuhnle / IMAGO

A man drove his minibus onto the Mercedes-Benz factory premises in Sindelfingen, caused an accident and could only be stopped when the police shot at him.

This was announced by the public prosecutor's office and the police on Monday.

The incident happened around 1:15 p.m. on Saturday.

Previously, among other things, "Bild" had reported on the incident.

The man broke through a barrier to the company's factory premises with his VW minibus and stepped on the gas pedal.

Then he crashed his car into a curb and a traffic island and couldn't drive any further.

"Gesticate" with a jackknife

Meanwhile, more than a dozen police officers occupied the entrances and exits to the factory premises.

The man got out and walked across the factory premises.

There the officials would have found the man.

However, he was armed with a jackknife and "gesticulated" with it, it was said.

Because he approached the police officers despite repeated requests to stop, one of the officers shot the man and hit him in the leg.

According to further information from the police and prosecutors, the man was taken to a psychiatric facility.

So far nothing has been revealed about his motive.
