The Limited Times

Superbonus: caps + 20% for raw material costs and inflation

2/14/2022, 6:43:23 PM

The Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani signed the decree that sets the maximum ceilings for the 110% Superbonus interventions. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 14 - The Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani has signed the decree that sets maximum limits for the 110% Superbonus interventions.

Imassimali update those already in force for the Ecobonus, increasing them by at least 20% in consideration of the higher cost of raw materials and inflation.

"With this decree - the minister comments - the operation that is leading the Government is completed, putting a stop to the excessive rise in costs and bringing the Superbonus back to a reasonable exercise that protects the State and citizens by meeting the needs of the sector and energy efficiency. ".