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The storm at HaEmek Hospital: "Abandon the lives of citizens in the north" | Israel Today

2/14/2022, 9:31:03 PM

Following the revelations of "Israel Today": The chairman of the health committee, MK Idit Silman, visited the medical center and will hold a special discussion on the subject • "Those who live in the north - pay with their lives", she stated

"Those who live in the north of the country pay with their lives because of the inferiority of the health services. We are abandoning the lives of citizens in the north," said Idit Silman, chairwoman of the Knesset Health Committee, during an extraordinary visit to Haemek Hospital yesterday (Sunday). A precedent in its severity in the history of the health system.

Silman visited the site following Israel Today's revelations about the hospital's unprecedented struggle to develop the medical center after years of discrimination, and also because of the hospital's director's struggle, Dr. Ziv Rosenbaum, against the attempt to fire him.

Edith Silman, Chairman of the Knesset Health Committee, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Silman further said that the hospital has a team of life-saving combat department managers who shines a spotlight on a health system that is not working well while demanding answers from the state.

"Citizens of the country need to get answers. They do not understand what risk they are at because of a shortage of doctors in the north, otherwise they would have taken to the streets."

A week ago, it was revealed in "Israel Today" that Dr. Rosenbaum, the director of Haemek Hospital, claims in his application to the Labor Court in Nazareth that the management of Clalit Health Fund, the owner of the hospital, is trying to fire him. "The committee is made up of department heads, who in recent years have been working against the ongoing discrimination of the hospital and against the deprivation of the quality of care and medical service in the north of the country. Rosenbaum further claims that the motive for dismissal is" illegal. "Clearly, it is contrary to the values ​​and duties of a public body administration, and is done while Clalit is generally operating in extreme bad faith, and while grossly violating the rules that bind it."

Dr. Ziv Rosenbaum, Photo: Gil Eliyahu / Ginny

Doctors are making threats

MK Silman's special tour is intended to be a preparation for a discussion, which will take place this morning in a committee chaired by her, on the crisis in the hospital. Chairman of the Medical Association, and raised allegations that doctors at Haemek Hospital complain that they are being pressured by Clalit management not to attend public hearings, including the discussion in the Health Committee. The hospital and for the benefit of the public, "they claimed.

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