The Limited Times

VIDEO. The “Freedom Convoys” enter Brussels... on foot

2/14/2022, 4:36:40 PM

The Belgian police having filtered access to the capital, a few dozen demonstrators from the so-called "freedom" convoys found themselves b

After Paris, the demonstrators of the "Freedom Convoy" continued their journey on Monday to Brussels, the European capital.

But the Belgian authorities quickly banned “any demonstration with motorized vehicles” in the city.

Since this morning, Belgian police have been filtering the dropper arrivals of demonstrators on the road and redirecting them mainly to a parking area located 45 minutes by metro from the center of the capital.

“So far we have spotted 500 vehicles (…), cars, motorhomes, small vans.

Thirty or so were blocked and the others evaporated a little in nature, ”said the mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close.

According to him, at the start of the morning, around forty vehicles had joined parking lot C, a parking area on the outskirts of Brussels towards which the police decided to direct the demonstrators from the convoys.

From there, it was possible to negotiate a route on foot with the police, “without taking the capital hostage”, specified the socialist mayor of Brussels.

Read alsoVIDEO.

Paris: the "Freedom convoy" evacuated from the Champs Elysées by the police

Coming from all over France, anti-pass convoys, self-proclaimed “freedom convoys”, like the convoys in Canada which paralyze Ottawa, had converged on the weekend towards Paris.

But, if the police had counted 3,000 vehicles for 5,000 demonstrators around Paris on Friday evening, not all of them finally reached the capital.

On Saturday, a hundred vehicles had managed to reach the Champs-Elysées, before being gradually evacuated with tear gas.