The Limited Times

Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister: "We are at the closest point we have ever been to an agreement" Israel today

2/16/2022, 8:20:02 PM

With the nuclear talks in Vienna in the background, the senior Iranian diplomat expressed optimism: "It is time for the parties to make decisions" • French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Darrian referred to negotiations between the powers and the Islamic Republic

Simultaneously with the optimism of the Western powers about the possibility of a breakthrough in the coming days, the chairman of the Iranian delegation for talks - Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagri-Kani also tweeted things in a similar vein.

"After intense weeks of negotiations, we have reached the closest point we have ever been to an agreement, but nothing is final until everything is agreed," Bagri-Kani tweeted.

After weeks of intensive talks, we are closer than ever to an agreement;

nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, though.

Our negotiating partners need to be realistic, avoid intransigence and heed lessons of past 4yrs.

Time for their serious decisions.

- علی باقری‌کنی (@Bagheri_Kani) February 16, 2022

"Realism, and attention to what has been going on for the last four years (in which case the agreement did not actually take place) are necessary components for achieving this goal. It is time for the parties to make decisions."

Nuclear talks in Vienna, Photo: AFP

The U.S. State Department also said yesterday that contacts in Vienna, in which the U.S. participates only indirectly, are "in the midst of the final stages."

Earlier in the day, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian addressed the Vienna nuclear talks during a speech in the local parliament, saying "time is running out and it is time for tough decisions".

He added that "the agreement is within reach".  

"We are coming to the moment of truth," the French minister said.

"It is not a question of weeks, but of days. We are united with the other countries, the agreement is within reach. Either the Iranians will cause a serious crisis, or they will agree."

The eighth round of nuclear talks continues in full force and this is, most likely, the last chance for the parties to reach an agreement.

Without a breakthrough so far the West is increasing pressure on the regime in Tehran which in turn continues to demand impassable conditions: the removal of all sanctions on its economy.

Were we wrong?


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