The Limited Times

Report: Explosions were heard in the southwestern part of Damascus. Syria reports attack - Walla! news

2/16/2022, 10:37:21 PM

According to foreign reports, which have not been verified so far, explosions have been heard in the southwestern part of Damascus. In recent months, the IDF has carried out numerous attacks in Syria, with the intention of thwarting the transfer of advanced weapons from Iran to Hezbollah. The IDF spokesman did not comment on reports of an attack tonight

Report: Explosions were heard in the southwestern part of Damascus.

Syria reported an attack

According to foreign reports, which have not been verified so far, explosions have been heard in the southwestern part of Damascus.

In recent months, the IDF has carried out numerous attacks in Syria, with the intention of thwarting the transfer of advanced weapons from Iran to Hezbollah. The IDF spokesman did not comment on reports of an attack tonight




Thursday, 17 February 2022, 00:12 Updated: 00:32

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In the video: An attack attributed to Israel in Latakia (from Syrian television broadcasts)

According to foreign reports, explosions were heard tonight, around 11:30, in the southwestern part of Damascus.

No reports have been received so far.

One week ago, on February 9, a Syrian anti-aircraft missile was fired at Israel during an attack in Syria.

The missile exploded in the air and there was no need to intercept it.

The IDF later attacked targets in Syria, including radar and anti-aircraft batteries. One Syrian soldier was killed and five wounded as a result of the IDF attack.

The latest IDF attack in the Damascus area, according to Syrian reports, was carried out more than two weeks ago, apparently against Hezbollah targets.

In recent months, many attacks have been attributed to Israel in Syria.

As for reports of an attack tonight, the IDF spokesman did not comment.

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