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The Israeli message to Russia ahead of a possible invasion of Ukraine - Walla! news

2/16/2022, 9:37:38 PM

Foreign Ministry Director General Alon Ushpiz spoke with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bogdanov and clarified to him that Israel would be interested in continuing to evacuate its citizens and diplomats from the country even in a scenario of fighting, and would need Russian assistance to do so.

The Israeli message to Russia in preparation for a possible invasion of Ukraine

Foreign Ministry Director General Alon Ushpiz spoke with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bogdanov and clarified to him that Israel would be interested in continuing to evacuate its citizens and diplomats from the country even in a scenario of fighting, and would need Russian assistance to do so.

Lightning Ravid


Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 23:18 Updated: 23:31

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In the video: At a cabinet meeting, Bennett calls on Israelis in Ukraine to leave the country (Walla!)

Israel today (Wednesday) sent a message to the Russian government in which it clarified that it would need assistance in evacuating Israeli citizens and diplomats in the event of an invasion of Ukraine, senior Israeli officials said.

So far, only about 3,000 Israelis have left Ukraine, and it is estimated that about 10,000 other Israelis remain in the country.

The fact that Israel is sending such a message to Russia indicates that Jerusalem is taking very seriously the scenario of a massive Russian invasion of Ukraine, which could go as far as the occupation of the country.

Foreign Ministry Director General Alon Ushpiz conveyed the message in a telephone conversation that took place on Wednesday with Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bogdanov.

More on Walla!

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To the full article

It is estimated that about ten thousand more Israelis remain in the country.

CEO Ushpiz (Photo: Official Website, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Russian Army tanks in Leningrad Oblast, this week (Photo: AP)

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A senior Israeli official said Israel wanted to make sure that in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine it would have ways to create humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of its citizens and diplomats by land to neighboring countries or by air.

Israel has set up an alternate diplomatic mission in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv near the border with Poland in case the embassy in Kiev needs to be evacuated due to the fighting.

The Foreign Ministry also prepared a plan to evacuate Israeli citizens by land to Poland, Romania, Moldova, Hungary and Slovakia.

Contacts with these countries have already begun.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lior Hayat said in response that in the conversation between Ushpiz and Bogdanov, the relations between the countries and the friendship between them were discussed.

"During the conversation, Ushpiz noted the commitment and concern for the peace of Israeli citizens in Ukraine and for the safety of Israeli diplomats," Hayat said.

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  • Russia

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  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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