The Limited Times

Venezuela confirms its absolute support for Russia and calls it a strategic ally

2/16/2022, 8:38:08 PM

Caracas, SANA-Venezuela reiterated today its absolute support for the government and people of the Russian Federation, especially regarding


Today, Venezuela reiterated its absolute support for the government and people of the Russian Federation, especially with regard to the crisis with Ukraine.

Television Telesur stated that the Venezuelan Vice President and Oil Minister Tariq El-Aissami affirmed, during his meeting with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, that Caracas stands by Moscow in the crisis with Ukraine, noting that this meeting will allow the two countries to continue to evaluate and expand the horizons of joint cooperation between them, as it reflects the depth of the solid bilateral relations. that unites the two countries.

Al-Aysami also noted the current cooperation between the two countries, especially that it is based on more than twenty agreements in various fields, most notably energy.

For his part, Borisov reiterated that Venezuela is a strategic partner of Russia in Latin America and the world in general, noting the two countries' joint coordination, especially in international forums, which has become more important than ever.

Borisov also expressed his country's readiness to continue providing cooperation to Venezuela in combating the Covid-19 epidemic, noting that despite the unilateral coercive economic measures taken by the United States government against Venezuela, Caracas was able to activate its economic activity, especially with regard to increasing oil production and achieving sustainable development for the country.

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