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Fear of riots and shooting attacks: The IDF is preparing for a tense Friday in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria - Walla! news

2/17/2022, 9:07:57 PM

According to the assessment of the situation regarding tensions in the region, it appears that protests by Palestinians and right-wing activists in several centers are expected tomorrow. The fear is that these will become violent disturbances, which is why the army is preparing to keep people away from them. In addition, the fear of an attack is growing following the public appearance of a member of the firing squad that was eliminated in Nablus

Fear of disorderly conduct and shooting attacks: The IDF is preparing for a tense Friday in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria

According to the assessment of the situation regarding tensions in the region, it appears that protests by Palestinians and right-wing activists in several centers are expected tomorrow.

The fear is that these will become violent disturbances, which is why the army is preparing to keep people away from them.

In addition, the fear of an attack is growing following the public appearance of a member of the firing squad that was eliminated in Nablus

Amir Bohbot


Thursday, 17 February 2022, 21:32 Updated: 22:48

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In the video: Clashes between Jews and Arabs in Sheikh Jarrah resume (Photo: Shlomi Heller)

A situation assessment on the issue of tensions in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria took place today (Thursday) in the presence of Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, in which a number of friction points and threats that were possible tomorrow in these areas were presented.

This, before the chief of staff goes on a visit to an exhibition in Singapore with his wife.

Sources in the IDF clarified that a year ago the factors that led to the burning of the area and the security deterioration were a combination of incitement around the Al-Aqsa Mosque and violence in Sheikh Jarrah and around Givat Eviatar. Against the background of the fear of violence, the army will reinforce the Samaria Spatial Brigade under the command of Col. Roi Zweig, YSM and Border Police forces, in order to prevent Israeli citizens from protesting on the hill.

Meanwhile, IDF fighters will prevent violators

of Palestinian order from holding violent protests as they do every Friday.

In protest of the conditions of incarceration of security prisoners imprisoned in Israel.

More on Walla!

The riots in Sheikh Jarrah, the weakness of the PA and Hamas' incitement: "2022 will be particularly violent in Judea and Samaria"

To the full article

Conflicts in Sheikh Jarrah (Photo: Flash 90, Olivier Fitoussi)

In addition, there is a real fear in the Judea and Samaria Division of shooting attacks, following the public appearance of Ibrahim al-Nablusi last night.

Al Nablusi is a member of the firing squad, which was killed by a YMCA force about a week ago in the heart of the city of Nablus, but was not present in the vehicle at the time of the assassination. "Therefore, he has not yet been captured. Therefore, there is a real fear that he will try to carry out


attacks in the near future or that he will try to carry out a show attack if he feels he is close to being killed.

Shalev in Nablus and Jenin, as well as any entry of the army into PA territory for security activities, is accompanied by the shooting of terrorists.

The scene of the assassination of armed terrorists in Nablus, last week (Photo: Reuters)

The Central Command estimates that the PA chairman will instruct the heads of the Palestinian security services to prevent violent disturbances and shooting attacks.

At the same time, the IDF assumes that the Fatah leadership fears that in the run-up to the movement's revolutionary council next month, Abu Mazen fears preventing disturbances so as not to leave the area and streets in the hands of Hamas operatives in the West Bank, and therefore approve the demonstrations.

  • news

  • Army and Security


  • Judea and Samaria

  • Palestinians

  • IDF

  • Sheikh Jarrah

  • East Jerusalem