The Limited Times

Freedom sacrificed on the altar of the health crisis?

2/17/2022, 7:13:55 PM

LIBRARY OF ESSAYS - In his essay, Adieu la liberté, Mathieu Slama analyzes the mechanism that led the country of human rights and a majority of democratic states to renounce certain fundamental freedoms, such as the right to travel.

The gradual lifting of health measures took a new step on February 15.

Soon the holders of the vaccination pass will be able to discover the faces of strangers, even in closed places where promiscuity does not allow social distancing.

On the other hand, those who do not hold the holy of holies will still have to wait a few weeks to access places of leisure and long-distance transport.

Noting our apathy in the face of these government restrictions, Mathieu Slama wanted to analyze the mechanism that led the country of human rights and a majority of democratic states to renounce certain fundamental freedoms, such as the right to travel.

An analysis that he leads in a courageous essay,

Adieu la liberté

*, published by the Presses de la Cité.

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