The Limited Times

Pensions: starting age, hardship ... what the presidential candidates offer

2/17/2022, 7:50:11 PM

Two months before the presidential election, the candidates have largely positioned themselves on the pension reform to be carried out in the next

Suspended in March 2020, at the start of the health crisis, the pension reform as Emmanuel Macron wanted it will never see the light of day.

Exit the universal regime and the pivotal age that had brought the French down to the streets.

The Head of State, not yet an official candidate, has already reviewed his copy: the new version of his reform – if he is re-elected – will melt the 42 special schemes into three pension schemes (public, private, independent), with a minimum pension of 1,000 euros for a full retirement.

And if he intends to raise the legal age of departure – currently set at 62, with exceptions – he has not yet specified where the cursor would be placed.

Éric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse want to delay the retirement age

The other candidates have already positioned themselves.

Marine Le Pen's far-right rival, Éric Zemmour, spoke of a departure at 65 by 2030. The representative of Reconquête!

wants to align public and private schemes and intends to set up a bonus/malus system for companies that lay off seniors.

On the right, Valérie Pécresse has also announced a departure at age 65, gradually by 2030, with exceptions related to hardship and long careers.

The contender LR also intends to revalue the minimum contributory (today from 652 euros to 713 euros depending on the number of quarters contributed) at the level of the net minimum wage.

Read also“There are so many people who have nothing”: seniors will not retreat for the presidential election

On the left, Anne Hidalgo (PS) and Yannick Jadot (EELV) both propose maintaining the starting age at 62.

The socialist and the ecologist believe that criteria of arduousness must be taken into account to, possibly, grab a few years.

Finally, Anne Hidalgo intends to raise the amount of the minimum contribution to 1,200 euros.

60 years also for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Fabien Roussel

On the far left, some are considering – like the RN candidate – lowering the starting age to 60.

This is the case of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France Insoumise), who offers it from 40 annuities with a minimum pension at the level of the minimum wage.

Its reform would be financed by an increase in pension contributions for the highest earners.

The communist Fabien Roussel, also announced a retirement age of 60, but from 37.5 annuities to obtain a full pension.

According to him, no pension should be below 1,200 euros net for full careers.

This measure would be financed by a “revolutionary contribution” on financial income in particular.