The Limited Times

Rumors in the political circles ︱ Chief Executive's first battle or postponement of Carrie Lam's term can be extended? People in the establishment propose alternative solutions

2/17/2022, 11:07:46 PM

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping issued an important instruction on Hong Kong's anti-epidemic work, stating that the SAR government should "take stabilizing and controlling the epidemic as soon as possible as the current overriding task."

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of the People's Republic of China, issued an important instruction on Hong Kong's anti-epidemic work. , the March chief executive election is about to be postponed.

At least two executive council members believe that next month's National People's Congress can make a "decision" to extend the current government for half a year to a year, and elections will be resumed after the epidemic has stabilized.

If the term of the current government is extended, it means that Chief Executive Carrie Lam will "sit a little longer" and continue to lead the fight against the epidemic. However, some people in the political circle believe that even if there is a change of term, Carrie Lam does not have to be at the helm, but the Chief Secretary for Administration can act as the helm. Chief Executive.

Ye Guoqian advocates extension of government term

The nomination period for the chief executive election started on the 20th of this month. As of March 5, no significant person has announced his candidacy. With the mobilization order issued by Xi Jinping to fight the epidemic, the call for the postponement of the chief executive election has grown louder and louder.

Tan Yaozong, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said yesterday that fighting the epidemic is Hong Kong's top priority, and other matters that will affect the control of the epidemic should be released to avoid distractions, especially in the chief executive election, where there may be candidates who will be in charge of the anti-epidemic work, which will have even more impact. How to arrange should be studied.

Ye Guoqian, a member of the Executive Council, believes that referring to the postponement of the 2020 Legislative Council election, the National People's Congress will make a decision to extend the term of the current government for six months to one year, and the election will be held after the epidemic is controlled.

He pointed out that if the government is extended, it is logical that the current accountability team will continue to perform its duties.

Another guild member, Tang Jiahua, also agrees that it is the safest to postpone the election directly by the National People's Congress.

Even though there is a high chance that the Chief Executive's battle will be postponed, many people in the political circle believe that the nomination period can start as usual this Sunday. On April 17, the National People's Congress will make a "decision" in the middle of the gap, all of which are under Beijing's control.

▼Possible candidates are currently circulating in the political circle, Xian Guolin and Hu Shiquan have already expressed their views on running for the election▼


With reference to the "decision" made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the term of office of the Legislative Council in August of the previous year, the sixth term Legislative Council should continue to perform its duties for not less than one year, and all the members of the Legislative Council at that time were automatically extended (Later Carrie Lam asked the National People's Congress to DQ 4 pan-democrats) If the National People's Congress extends the term of office of the SAR government for an unprecedented time due to the epidemic, theoretically, the original team of the current government will continue, that is, Carrie Lam will still be the leader of the SAR until the election of the chief executive.

However, some people in the establishment believe that the general public understands that the extension of the government is a transition of the entire accountability team, but in fact there is no precedent to follow. Even if the government is extended, the coach can be changed. Work, especially this time, President Xi asked the SAR government to "actually take the main responsibility". The implication is that the failure to control the epidemic must be held accountable. It is not unreasonable to replace people.

Youliang Yingzhong people also agree with this statement. If the epidemic in Hong Kong is still out of control with the support of the state in the next month or two, the leaders of the Hong Kong government will also be duty-bound.

▼The Election Management Committee announced in January that the nomination period will start on February 20 and last for 14 days▼


The 25th anniversary of the return of the Chinese Communist Party is of great significance

Political circles have different opinions on the postponement of the chief executive election and the extension of the government. Some people think that this year is an important moment for the 25th anniversary of the handover. If the epidemic is under control, the election should be held in May or before as much as possible, so that the new government can be elected in July. 1 day in office.

A senior establishment joked that many people have put forward different plans and suggestions, but they have their own calculations behind it, but everyone knows that the decision is in Beijing's hands.

The Chief Executive's battle has been postponed?

Ye Guoqian expects the National People's Congress to decide Tang Jiahua: Is the current one-year extension more appropriate to control the epidemic and overwhelm the chief executive?

Tan Yaozong: Postponing the feasibility study to avoid distractions Ye Liu agrees: I am all isolated. Jasper: "Overwhelming" means that the chief executive's battle can be postponed and should focus on fighting the epidemic without making noise. Confidence wins the chief executive election.

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