The Limited Times

Russia renews its demand for the withdrawal of the American occupation forces from Syria and respect for its territorial integrity

2/17/2022, 9:14:28 PM

Moscow, SANA- Russia has renewed its demand for the withdrawal of the American occupation forces from Syria and respect for its territorial integrity and sovereignty


Russia renewed its demand for the withdrawal of the US occupation forces from Syria and respect for its territorial integrity and sovereignty, noting that the foreign presence impedes resolving the crisis in it.

The Special Representative of the Russian President for the Middle East and African Countries, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, said in an interview on Russia Today channel that "some parties have linked their fate to the illegal and illegal American presence in Syria, and this is a matter of great concern as it threatens stability in the region," calling for the occupation forces to leave. foreigners from Syria to achieve stability, the return of the displaced, and reconstruction.

Bogdanov reiterated his country's position calling for respecting Syria's territorial integrity and its effective constitution, pointing out the importance of Syrians' participation in dialogue on the basis of their country's territorial integrity and independence.

Bogdanov pointed out that there are basic principles that were agreed upon in the meetings of the committee to discuss the constitution, such as the unity and sovereignty of the Syrian territories, and this means that the Syrians should be the masters of their country, not the foreign presence that impedes a solution to the crisis in Syria in accordance with UN Resolution 2254.

Resolution 2254, which was unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council in December 2015, affirms that the Syrians are the ones who determine the future of their country themselves without any external interference, and that terrorist organizations are outside any political process.

Bogdanov considered that the complete elimination of terrorist organizations in Syria requires concerted efforts of the international community with the efforts of the Syrians, because terrorism represents a global danger and a major challenge, indicating that the United States of America cannot be believed to be fighting terrorism in the region because many terrorists receive training and support in the areas it controls. American forces.

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