The Limited Times

Storm "Eunice": Great Britain declares "red" alert

2/17/2022, 2:19:51 PM

There is a "danger to life": The British weather service warns of a storm brewing on the Atlantic. On Friday he should reach the coast of Great Britain. The government called an emergency meeting.

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Harbingers of Storm Eunice in Liverpool

Photo: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

A rare 'red' alert has been declared in Britain as a storm approaches across the Atlantic.

There is a "danger to life," said the British Weather Service.

"Eunice" will reach the British coast on Friday with wind speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour.

According to the forecasts, Cornwall, the south-west coast of England and the south of Wales will be particularly affected – the “red” warning level has been issued for all of these regions.

According to the weather service, "extremely strong wind" is expected.

"Dangerous conditions" threatened, among other things, house roofs could be removed, trees uprooted and power lines destroyed.

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The British government convened an emergency meeting of its emergency committee.

It should also be about the consequences of the storm that caused extensive power outages in Scotland and the north of England on Wednesday.

In Germany, the storm had led to large-scale disruptions in rail traffic, in Lower Saxony a driver was killed by a falling tree.

In Ireland, too, the authorities warned of "heavy and damaging winds" because of "Eunice".
