The Limited Times

To the substance of the matter: Progress eats itself Israel today

2/17/2022, 9:13:51 PM

Prohibition of conversion therapy does not promote any solution to distress, it only sweeps it under the rug • Psychology and the variety of concepts that come to explain transgenderism, dysphoria for example, are meaningless words • The heart of the matter here is religious friction

The oroboros is an ancient mythical symbol in the shape of a snake or dragon that swallows its tail.

Originating in ancient Egypt, his figure is engraved in the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus but he is also mentioned several times in the Book of Zohar:

The Oroboros represented many things: periodicity, unity in the beginning, and is also one of the archetypes of the psychoanalyst Jung.

The symbol of infinity.

The Oroboros is both the Redeemer and the Redeemer, and also his own sworn enemy.

To me the Auroborus today symbolizes progress, the idea of ​​eating itself.

Circular arguments that become increasingly radical and later collapse into themselves.

A black hole into which Western society is moving.

In early January 2022, the Harry Potter Union special took place to mark the 20th anniversary of the release of the first film.

All the stars of the film series were invited and arrived.

Except for one uninvited: book author Jay.



For the past two years, Rowling has become a persona non grata after claiming that transgender women endanger real women.

Rowling, a feminist with receipts, recognized the danger to white women like her.

In the new politics of identities, the "privileged" white women are deteriorating in their position on the ladder of sacrifice.

See what's happening in women's sports, for example: a transgender swimmer breaks down pools and sets world records.

Rowling today is boycotted and ostracized in the social circle of the enlightened.


And from the moment it was defined as such, the possibility of holding a hearing was closed.

On Monday evening, while hospitals are collapsing and the dead are piling up, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz convened a press conference and announced a circular from the Ministry of Health banning treatment professionals licensed by the Ministry of Health to offer and give "conversion therapies." Between therapist and patient in a psychoanalytic approach.

Treatment success or failure rates are controversial, and even if the Western establishment is convinced they are pike, there are therapeutic factors that are convinced of their effectiveness.

I do not go into professional analysis because I do not understand it but also because it is less important than the fact that it is an event that is a violation of freedom of choice, freedom of expression and freedom of occupation.

The decision whether to go for such treatment belongs to the individual, just as the question of whether to go to a caller, homeopath, astrologer or alternatively use hallucinogenic mushrooms - belongs to the individual alone, as long as he is mature and the treatment is not forced on him.

Precisely because the issue is explosive, discussion and clarification is required here without closing our mouths and insults.

I therefore make it clear here in advance that I support the right of every person to do as he pleases as long as he does not harm another.

The rights and obligations of every citizen are equal whether he is gay, straight, bi or transgender - complete equality before the law regardless of his sexual attraction.

Everyone has the right to be happy in their own way, but an open society must allow free discussions to take place without persecuting those who hold them.

Horowitz is inconsistent.

While it bans men from trying to be attracted to women, the State of Israel allows minors to undergo hormonal treatments for sex reassignment, and even subsidizes adults with NIS 2 million for vocal cord replacement surgery.

Let me also remind you that in the last Pride Parade, the keynote speaker was a child who claimed to be transgender.

Gender change is possible, but changing or processing a sexual orientation is impossible?

In my view, psychology and the variety of concepts that come to explain transgenderism, dysphoria for example, are meaningless words.

The DSM, the encyclopedia of mental disorders, is a reflection of social, small and tectonic changes.

Until a few years ago, transgenderism was defined as a mental disorder, today it has come out of it while machoism is defined as a toxic masculinity and a mental disorder that needs treatment.

I hope it is still permissible to hold the position that this is a scribble depending on time, culture and a lot of politics.

I am neither a doctor nor a psychologist (although in my humble opinion, in psychology there is also a lot of charlatanry, certainly not exact science).

I seek to speak from the angle of liberal democracy.

Of freedom of thought, choice and expression.

We accept the right of human beings to feel uncomfortable in their biological bodies and change their gender.

It has a price.

Therefore it is also permissible to argue that if one can change gender and the identity perception of gender then one can also change sexual orientation or do a “fine tuning” of sexuality.

It is agreed that sexuality, like other personality components, rests on a spectrum.

After all, until 200 years ago there was no sociological phenomenon of homosexuality.

There is no scientific evidence that clearly and unequivocally states that homosexuality is an innate genetic predisposition.

A famous survey by Kent Kendler (American Journal of Psychiatry, 2000) found that an identical twin whose sibling is gay is also 32 percent more likely to be gay than 13 percent for non-identical twin couples.

Studies in identical twins seem to suggest a moderate genetic effect on sexual orientation but at the same time refute the claim that homosexuality is a purely genetic phenomenon.

The heart of the matter here is religious friction.

Most of the clients for these treatments come from the ultra-Orthodox and religious sectors.

The clash is against the background of the explicit religious prohibition from Dauriyta on male intercourse.

The dissonance between the explicit prohibition and the lifestyle creates a mental difficulty for which psychological treatment is supposed to try to find a cure.

Israel 2022 is neither Israel 2000 nor Israel of the 1980s.

The ultra-Orthodox and religious attitude towards LGBT people has changed dramatically. Slow evolution of animal and let animals.

The danger in this CEO circular is twofold. He does not promote any solution to the distress. It will remain. When the state bans these treatments it sweeps them under the rug. Silence. Does not allow for real discussion or supervision of their case. .

On the anniversary of Che Guevara's death on October 10, 2017, Horowitz, then an MK, tweeted: It's much better than evil. "I wonder if concentration camps for dissidents and gays who managed to establish the young Che after the coup are considered by Horowitz to be the good or bad wing.

In conclusion, conversion therapies in Israel are not a problem, but a luxury.

Look in the direction of China and Russia, great powers that persecute LGBT people. The Western world is eating its own tail off as the axis of evil advances towards it.

Were we wrong?


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