The Limited Times

Young Umbrian cycling on the longest road in the world

2/17/2022, 7:51:00 PM

Young Umbrian cycling on the longest road in the world (ANSA) Lorenzo Barone, the 24-year-old from Umbria, is preparing to leave again, ready to tackle the more than 29,000 kilometers by bike, alone, that separate the two most distant land points from each other, that is, the southernmost point of Africa, Agulhas, in South Africa , and the easternmost of Asia, Dezhnev, in Russia. Modified and extended route of the "longest road in the world". In his home in

Lorenzo Barone, the 24-year-old from Umbria, is preparing to leave again, ready to tackle the more than 29,000 kilometers by bike, alone, that separate the two most distant land points from each other, that is, the southernmost point of Africa, Agulhas, in South Africa , and the easternmost of Asia, Dezhnev, in Russia.

Modified and extended route of the "longest road in the world".

In his home in San Gemini, the young man has prepared all the necessary equipment and on Friday, with his bicycle and a 15 kg load in tow, he will embark from Fiumicino to reach South Africa on Sunday, after two stopovers.

From here the bike trip to Namibia, then Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt will start.

So he will disembark in Turkey, go through Georgia and arrive in Russia,

where he will change equipment and tackle the last long and demanding part of the journey.

The tour will touch three continents, 12 countries and as many time zones, for an estimated total duration of about one year and two months, facing a temperature range of about 110 degrees, from 50 Africans to minus 60 Russians.

"Technically I'm sure it's a feasible trip, because I've already lived through all the conditions I will find" explains Barone with ANSA.

"The main concern - he continues - is, if anything, for what I will find, even on a political level, in Africa, a continent that I know little about. But the beauty of adventure is this, to put yourself to the test and know what you don't know. understand if my head will be able to withstand such a long period of travel, as well as away from home and my wife Aygul,