The Limited Times

Minister for Family Affairs Anne Spiegel advocates compulsory vaccination from the age of 18

2/19/2022, 11:20:42 PM

Corona infections are falling, but the Minister for Family Affairs is in favor of compulsory vaccination for adults. Without a higher vaccination rate, "dangerous mutations" threatened towards the end of the year.

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Federal Family Minister Anne Spiegel in the Bundestag (archive photo)

Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

Federal Family Minister Anne Spiegel (Greens) considers the introduction of compulsory vaccination from the age of 18 to be urgently necessary.

“We tried a lot to reach people through vaccination campaigns and low-threshold offers.

But we've now reached the end of the road," said Spiegel of "Bild am Sonntag".

In order to further increase the vaccination rate, vaccination must be compulsory from the age of 18.

For Spiegel, the declining number of infections is no reason to move away from the planned compulsory vaccination: »We must not be fooled by the declining number of cases, but must expect that dangerous mutations will continue to be on the way in the future.

They can give us a difficult autumn and winter if we don't significantly increase the vaccination rate.«

The nationwide seven-day incidence fell again on Saturday.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, it was 1350.4 on Saturday morning.

On Friday it was 1371.7, a week ago it was 1474.3.

The value indicates the number of new infections registered per 100,000 inhabitants over a period of seven days.

In March, the Bundestag will deal with the proposals that have been submitted by then.

There are various models on the table, for example at what age the vaccination requirement should take effect.
