The Limited Times

"The pain was intolerable": Finnish cross-country skier Lindholm finished the mass start of the Olympics with a "frozen" penis

2/20/2022, 5:56:53 PM

Finland's Remi Lindholm, 28th in the mass start of the 2022 Winter Games disrupted by cold and wind on Saturday, complained of a penis pa

From the Winter Games in Beijing, disputed by a polar cold which the athletes and the followers complained about on many occasions, some bring back a medal, even several.

Others will be content with Olympic memorabilia.

As for the less fortunate competitors, they bring back scars from China…

This is the case of the Finnish Remi Lindholm, 24, 28th in the mass start, a race shortened due to bad weather conditions.

He thus confided that he had to use a hot water bottle to warm his penis "a little frozen"

due to the strong and icy wind, as reported by "The Guardian".

Winter Olympics: Finnish cross-country skier suffers frozen penis in 50km race

— The Guardian (@guardian) February 20, 2022

Coming 4′22′9 from the winner, Russian Alexander Bolshunov, Lindholm said his penis had frozen for the second time, after a first incident during a World Cup event in Ruka, Finland, the last year.

“I had to use a hot water bottle”

"You can guess which part of my body was a bit frozen when I arrived


" Lindholm told a Finnish media outlet.

It was one of my worst competitions.

The goal was just to fight.

When my body started to warm up after the finish, the pain (in the penis) was intolerable and I had to use a hot water bottle…”

On the eve of the race, the organizers had however opportunely decided to reduce the distance of the event from 50 km to 30 km, given the extreme weather conditions, gusts of wind and Siberian cold.

Despite this precaution, the cross-country skier's appendix, whose outfit offers little protection against the cold, did not come out unscathed from this 1 hour and 16 minute outing, with a feeling of minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Maybe Lindholm will have to target shorter distances in the future…