The Limited Times

A complaint was filed demanding information from the Judges' Union Israel today

2/20/2022, 10:56:59 AM

Following the Cup final events and previous events, a request was received in the Government Freedom of Information Unit in the Ministry of Justice to order the Union of Judges to disclose the conduct within the organization.

The final events of the State Cup and the serious complaints of Hapoel Tel Aviv against the refereeing team, put the referees' union in focus.

Due to this, a complaint was filed today (Sunday) with the government unit for information freedom in the Ministry of Justice to order the union to disclose the conduct within the organization in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and the principle of transparency.

Adv. Tal Michael has been dealing with the issue for several years, but in the past the Referees' Association rejected his requests, claiming, among other things, that it was "information that may contain an invasion of privacy and / or privacy." The control procedures (similar to football practice), disciplinary prosecution policies and case details in recent years, but rejected in most cases.

A complaint has now been sent to the Ministry of Justice ordering the Union of Judges to pass on the required documents.

"The requested information is essential to ensure the principles of transparency, moral purity and public trust in the authorities," the letter said, a copy of which was also sent to the Freedom of Information Commissioner of the Basketball Association.

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