The Limited Times

Berlusconi denies marriage, with Marta there is no need to formalize the relationship & nbsp;

2/23/2022, 4:40:16 PM

It is a deep bond and deserves celebrations with family (ANSA) "The relationship of love, esteem and respect that binds me to Mrs. Marta Fascina is so deep and solid that there is no need to formalize it with a marriage. The rumors that have appeared in the press today are therefore not true. But precisely because it is such a deep and important bond, together with Marta I am planning for the near future to celebrate it as it deserves, with an appointment tha

"The relationship of love, esteem and respect that binds me to Mrs. Marta Fascina is so deep and solid that there is no need to formalize it with a marriage. The rumors that have appeared in the press today are therefore not true. But precisely because it is such a deep and important bond, together with Marta I am planning for the near future to celebrate it as it deserves, with an appointment that will involve my children and dear friends ".

Thus the president of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi in a note.