The Limited Times

Popular toys are becoming more expensive - Toniebox company criticized: "Really bad"

2/23/2022, 2:47:04 PM

Popular toys are becoming more expensive - Toniebox company criticized: "Really bad" Created: 02/23/2022, 15:35 By: Sophia Lother The prices for Tonie and Toniebox will soon be significantly more expensive. © MiS/Imago The Toniebox is popular with parents and children. But now there are price increases – which annoys some users. Kassel – It already has a permanent place in many children's roo

Popular toys are becoming more expensive - Toniebox company criticized: "Really bad"

Created: 02/23/2022, 15:35

By: Sophia Lother

The prices for Tonie and Toniebox will soon be significantly more expensive.

© MiS/Imago

The Toniebox is popular with parents and children.

But now there are price increases – which annoys some users.

Kassel – It already has a permanent place in many children's rooms in Germany: the Toniebox.

For those who don't know, this box is a player for children's music and radio plays.

For this you buy special figures, called Tonies.

This is placed on the box, which is connected to the Internet and downloads the audio file from the network.

Once downloaded, the appropriate file can be played again and again with the figure, even without WiFi.

Tonies come in a wide variety of shapes and colors.

They are a popular gift for the little ones not only for parents but also for relatives.

Because children can easily operate the Toniebox, it often gives parents a few minutes' break from the hectic pace of everyday life.

But a Tonie is not cheap.

And now there is also a price increase, reports*.

Toniebox: Popular tonies are becoming more expensive - what parents need to know

The prices for the tonie figures vary.

On average, they currently (as of February 2022) cost 14.99 euros.

Creative tonies without content, which you can use yourself, cost 11.99 euros.

But that will change soon.

On their website, the manufacturers announce how expensive the figures will soon be:

Toniebox and Tonie figures will soon be more expensive: what's behind it

The price increase for Toniebox and figures is scheduled to start on May 1st.

On their website, the founders of Boxine GmbH explain why the items will soon become more expensive.

Pay attention to fair working conditions and high-quality components.

However, since costs such as raw material prices have currently risen sharply and logistics costs have also increased, one sees no other option.


Old price (RRP)

New price (RRP)


14.99 euros

16.99 euros

Creative Tone

11.99 euros

12.99 euros

Tonie box starter set

79.95 euros

99.95 euros

“As you can imagine, this step was not easy for us and was carefully considered.

We hope that we were able to explain to you in a comprehensible way why this is unavoidable for us," the statement ends.

But even under this, some customers of Tonie products vent their anger.

Tonies: parents upset about the increase in costs for Toniebox and Co.

“However, I found the Tonies to be quite expensive right from the start, since some of the stories are very short.

With such a price increase, we will switch to the tiger box in the future.

What a pity! ”Rays a user.

Another writes: "When I read the first few sentences, I extra euro will be okay.

But equal to 2!!!


17 euros for a Tonie.

It's really intense."

However, others also defend the price increase at Toniebox and Co., as one user writes: “I work in retail myself and our company has the same problems.

How is Tonie supposed to survive in the long run if they don't?!"

In the long term, parents have few alternatives, either bite the bullet and pay more, or switch to one of the variants.

What can also be worthwhile, instead of buying the Tonies that have already been played with, are creative Tonies that can also be played with and given away.

It becomes particularly personal when you read books yourself and play them on the character.


Quetschies are fruit purees for children.

They are considered handy, practical and healthy.

But consumer advocates warn against the fruit pulp from the bag.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA