The Limited Times

Totti: 'Fake news about me and Ilary, tired of denying'

2/23/2022, 4:52:52 PM

Former captain Rome posts videos on Instagram and asks for respect for children (ANSA) "I'm tired of denying these fake news": the word of Francesco Totti who in the evening with a video published in an Instagram story denies the rumors of an imminent separation from his wife, Ilary Blasi who, in turn, always via social media, posts the images of the whole Totti family having dinner in a restaurant in the center of Rome ('Rinaldi al Quirinale'), often frequented by the couple. In t

"I'm tired of denying these fake news": the word of

Francesco Totti

who in the evening with a video published in an Instagram story denies the rumors of an imminent separation from his wife, Ilary Blasi who, in turn, always via social media, posts the images of the whole Totti family having dinner in a restaurant in the center of Rome ('Rinaldi al Quirinale'), often frequented by the couple.

In the video Totti asks "to be careful because there are children involved and they must be respected", referring to the children, Cristian and Chanel now teenagers and little Isabel.

The alleged couple crisis between Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti immediately monopolized the front pages of the sites, and not only that, which today gave the end of the relationship between the two after 20 years, 17 of which were married, and three children, with lots of news and photos also of an alleged new flame of the former Giallorossi captain triggering a myriad of reactions via social media of the fans.

Totti: 'Fake news about me and Ilary, I'm tired of denying'

It's after eight in the evening when Totti publishes his video message in the stories of his official Instagram profile: "In the last few hours I have read in the media many things about me and my family it is not the first time that I have heard these fakes. news - says the former Giallorossi captain - I turn to you who write, I ask you to pay attention because there are children involved and they must be respected and I am genuinely tired of having to deny ".

A few minutes later, Ilary Blasi publishes another story on her Instagram profile: a video of the Totti family at full dinner at the restaurant and her joking with the restaurateur.

Already in the afternoon Ms. Totti, always in a story on Instagram, had posted a video with a lot of tongue, clearly as a sign of mockery at the rumors of crisis that hover over one of the most loved couples by their respective fans.

And the after dinner is crackling, with the two who do not shy away from the requests of the photographers who in the meantime have arrived outside the restaurant.

Totti did not skimp on jokes, according to his style.

Leaving the club with his daughter Isabel in his arms, Totti made his way through a forest of photographers who flashed at him ("I can't see already, if you do this ..."), while Ilary had slipped away in company of the other daughter Chanel.

To a lady who told him "come and eat in my restaurant too", the Romanist icon replied with a joking "I'll come if we don't pay", then continuing not to deny herself to the photographers, she replied, laughing, to the chorus of the photographers themselves. asking for a kiss with Ilary: "We've been kissing for twenty years."

And then smiling together with his wife: "And then she says that now she likes women".

"Beware, I have no insurance", was the

yet another joke addressed to a couple of photographers who were almost lying on the hood of his car and then, still with the window down and almost imploring: "Come on, let me go that we have to leave for the white week".

In short, if it is a marital crisis from what we have seen in this after dinner, it would not be said.