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"51% of the official schools in East Jerusalem teach according to the Israeli program" | Israel Today

2/24/2022, 9:23:05 PM

Jerusalem and Heritage Ministry report reveals: The number of students according to the Israeli outline has tripled in four years • Minister Elkin: "This is how we can improve their quality of life and integrate them into the labor market"

A special report by the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage reveals a new trend: 51% of the official schools in East Jerusalem teach according to the Israeli curriculum - a jump of 34% in the last four years.

The number of students in East Jerusalem who study according to the Israeli program - which includes preparation for matriculation and Hebrew studies, the Bible and citizenship - has tripled since the beginning of the government five-year program.

The majority study according to the Israeli program, Photo: Yehoshua Yosef - Archive

According to the report, 51% of students in East Jerusalem are approaching Israeli matriculation, compared to 49% who are approaching Palestinian matriculation. This, as part of Government Resolution 3790 for economic development and reduction of social disparities, amounting to NIS 2.1 billion, as part of the five-year plan for the years 2013-2018.

The report shows that in the last four years, six new schools, and another 65 kindergartens, have been opened in East Jerusalem, and nine new buildings have been rented for the opening of schools in the Israeli program. These educational institutions in the east of the city Laptops and opened 52 technology trends.

"There is a lot of work to be done"

"I passed the precedent-setting government decision to reduce gaps in East Jerusalem, when the field of education, assimilation of the Hebrew language and the Israeli curriculum in schools were a significant and central goal," says Minister of Construction and Housing, Jerusalem and Heritage, Zeev Elkin.

"The data that emerges from the report are encouraging, proving that only actions will bring results.

Although there is still a lot of work to do, only in this way can we improve their quality of life and integrate them into the Israeli labor market. "

According to the director general of the Jerusalem and Heritage Ministry, Nathaniel Isaac: "The key to reducing the gaps in the east of the city begins and continues with education.

The transition to the Israeli curriculum will allow the younger generation in East Jerusalem to acquire the Hebrew language, which is the bridge that connects the entire State of Israel.

The ministry is leading a significant collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the Jerusalem Municipality, which allows us to create a real revolution among Arab society in the east of the city. "

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