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Nostradamus predicted (and rightly so) that a war would break out in Europe in 2022 and foretold a cruel fate for Putin - Walla! Wind and horoscope

2/24/2022, 9:17:10 PM

Now that we have seen the renowned French astrologer Nostradamus predict the Russian attack on Ukraine and justice - his further predictions are becoming more relevant than ever, including a cruel fate for Putin

Nostradamus predicted (and rightly so) that war would break out in Europe in 2022 and foretold a cruel fate for Putin

Now that we have come to discover that the renowned French astrologer Nostradamus correctly predicted the Russian attack on Ukraine - his additional predictions for the coming year are becoming more relevant than ever, including a cruel fate for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

But is he really accurate in his predictions?

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Thursday, February 24, 2022, 5:06 p.m.

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The trailer for the movie "Nostradamus" (Youtube / Nostradamus 1994)

Earlier this year we revealed to you the devastating predictions of the French astrologer, Michel de Nostradam, for 2022 as written in his book Les Prophéties, in which you will find a collection of 942 poetic sentences ostensibly predicting future events - up to 3797. Among Nostradamus' predictions that experts -2022, he says, a war will break out in Europe.

Now, with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the experts went back to Nostradamus' poems and came to the conclusion that the Prophet did indeed have an idea of ​​what was about to happen.

Nostradamus allegedly predicted, as early as 1555, the rise of Adolf Hitler, the great fire of London, the assassination of former United States President John F. Kennedy and the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Now he seems to have done it again - and correctly predicted the war in Europe.

Although it is difficult to set exact dates for Nostradamus' predictions, as they are based on star movements rather than the foreign calendar, many have reduced the timing of the prophecy about the war in Europe to 2022.

Our Baba and Noga, the blind mystic from the Balkans who died in 1996, also had predictions concerning Russia when she said, "We are witnessing devastating events that will change the fate of humanity. Russian extremists will wage war on Europe, when one day Russia rules the world," she said in her prophecies. "Like ice, only one will remain intact - Vladimir's glory, Russia's glory. No one can stop Russia."

More on Walla!

Nostradamus' devastating forecasts for 2022: huge fires, nuclear explosion and meteor impact

To the full article

Russia's attack on Ukraine appeared in Nostradamus' predictions (Photo: screenshot, Twitter)

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And what will be Putin's fate?

According to Nostradamus' predictions, the fate of Russian President Vladimir Putin will be bad and bitter - but this is not a defeat in a war that will bring an end to his presidency.

One of Nostradamus' predictions - only if we trust the commentators - is that Putin will die in 2022 from a lightning strike, quite simply.

Nostradamus' poems read: "The great man will be beaten on a clear day by Barak." Kim Jong Un, or Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has survived at least five assassination attempts.

According to Nostradamus, Putin will die from lightning (Photo: Reuters)

And did he really foresee it all?

Nostradamus' followers try to convince him that the French astrologer predicted the outbreak of World War III, but did he really predict a war in Europe that would begin in Ukraine?

After all, we said that his predictions were unclear and could be interpreted.

According to another interpretation, Nostradamus predicted an invasion of France and not of Ukraine by a threat from the East. His reference to the threat from the East is consistent with the current situation around Russia and neighboring Ukraine, Ongoing between China and Taiwan, because it is known that the state of relations between the two countries has been very bad for 40 years.

Nostradamus' followers come out in his defense, citing texts on a "three-king" conflict, which they identify as Putin, US President Joe Biden and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (perhaps because European Commission President Ursula von der Lane is a queen Of course, none of these characters is really a king. In Nostradamus' prophecy we find references to "three kings" and "three brothers", where the brothers may be synonymous with kings. .

The enemies will conquer a sea city.

Hunger, fire, blood, plague and a double dose of all disasters. "According to commentators, the" sea city "is Odessa in Ukraine, which will be occupied by the Russians, and" the double dose of all disasters "(including a new outbreak of plague, ie the corona) is interpreted as signs of war Third World.

Here are all his predictions for 2022 in detail:

And what other forecasts does he have for the coming year?

1. Rise in inflation, a significant drop in the value of the US dollar.

Conflicts between countries will lead to an increase in global hunger.

3. At least two loud explosions of nuclear bombs will lead to climate change, earthquakes, floods, three days of darkness and even a change in the position of the earth.

4. A meteor shower and meteor shower could put an end to our planet at the end of the year, though more likely these will cause tsunamis and strong earthquakes.

5. Artificial intelligence is expected to control and take over the human race - and will eventually lead to its elimination.

6. Cloning people will begin in 2022 and will eventually lead to global destruction.

7. Islamic terrorist organizations will attack in London.

8. Aliens are planning an attack on Earth.

NASA noted in a report released last month that it is open to the idea that there is extraterrestrial life - and it may soon be they who will bring about the end of life on our planet.

It is important to note that historians mention that the encrypted snippets of Nostradamus are too vague to be considered reliable information about what will happen in the future.

Brian Dunning, a science-fiction writer and creator of a skeptic podcast, explained: "Nostradamus' writings are exploited in a number of misleading ways. "It's all wrong in the end."

Even with regard to his predictions come true - the huge fires, climate change and economic crisis - keep in mind that these are all things that happen quite frequently, so it is quite equivalent to the prophecy that the sun will rise tomorrow.

In addition, many predictions attributed to Nostradamus are nothing but misinterpretations of his writings, which have been adapted to the modern period to suit certain historical events.

  • Wind and horoscope

  • Prediction


  • Nostradamus

  • 2022

  • Vladimir Putin

  • Russia

  • Ukraine

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