The Limited Times

Ukraine/Russia: Putin has demonstrators arrested in Russia

2/24/2022, 9:46:32 PM

Courageous resistance to the Kremlin ruler's Ukraine campaign: people demonstrated against the war in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. There are said to have been more than a thousand arrests.

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Many people who demonstrated against Putin's war in Ukraine on Thursday evening in Russia feel like this woman: They will be taken away.

Thousands are said to have already been arrested by the Russian police at peace rallies, news agencies report.

But the demonstrations are not completely suppressed everywhere.

»No to the war!« is the cry of the protests, as heard here in the capital Moscow.

"Never again war" is on the poster and "freedom for political prisoners".

The local prosecutor pointed out that the demonstrations were not authorized.

The Interior Ministry warned the participants against arrests.

In addition, cultural institutions such as Moscow's Mayakovsky Theater warned their employees not to comment on "foreign policy events".

Nevertheless, people took to the streets in more than 20 Russian cities, reports the civil rights portal OWD-Info.

Videos of the protests in Moscow and St. Petersburg in particular circulated on Twitter.

Police buses for mass arrests are already ready.

Some local people seem to find it hard to believe that their president actually ordered the military operation in Ukraine.

Olga Bondar, demonstrator:

»What was that – a decree?

That thing he started the war with?

He has to withdraw that.

What should we do?

I have no idea.

All we can do is say out loud that we don't agree."

Sofia, demonstrator:

»Conflicts must be resolved peacefully.

Without violence from any quarter."

The fact that the police are not exactly gentle with the demonstrators does not seem to deter many.