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War in Ukraine: Selenskyj orders mobilization – men are not allowed to leave the country

2/24/2022, 11:46:34 PM

War in Ukraine: Selenskyj orders mobilization – men are not allowed to leave the country Created: 02/25/2022Updated: 02/25/2022, 00:35 By: Tobias Utz, Katja Thorwarth, Marvin Ziegele, Stefan Krieger The Ukraine conflict is getting worse: Russia is penetrating further and probably conquering a Ukrainian island. The situation in the news ticker. The conflict between Russia* and Ukraine* is escal

War in Ukraine: Selenskyj orders mobilization – men are not allowed to leave the country

Created: 02/25/2022Updated: 02/25/2022, 00:35

By: Tobias Utz, Katja Thorwarth, Marvin Ziegele, Stefan Krieger

The Ukraine conflict is getting worse: Russia is penetrating further and probably conquering a Ukrainian island.

The situation in the news ticker.

  • The conflict between Russia* and Ukraine* is escalating.

  • Vladimir Putin* is penetrating Ukraine.

    US President Joe Biden* moves troops to the eastern NATO member states* and to Germany.

  • You can read the current situation in the Ukraine conflict in the news ticker.

>>> Update news ticker <<<

Update from Friday, February 25th, 2022, 00:02:

The Russian invasion killed more than 130 people on the Ukrainian side, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“Today we lost 137 of our heroes, our citizens.

Military and civilians,” Zelenskyy said in a video speech on Friday night (February 25, 2022).

In addition, 316 people were injured in the fighting.

+++ 11:36 p.m .:

After Russian troops invaded eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj ordered general mobilization.

The head of state signed a corresponding decree, the Unian agency reported on Friday night (February 25, 2022), citing the Office of the President in Kiev.

The order is therefore valid for 90 days and provides for the call-up of conscripts and reservists.

Selenskyj had previously ordered a partial mobilization of reservists.

“We have to operationally replenish the army and other military formations,” he justified his decision.

There will also be military exercises in the territorial units.

The 44-year-old did not say how many men will be affected.

According to Ukrainian authorities, male citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 are also not allowed to leave the country.

They will not be allowed across the border, said the head of the Ukrainian customs authority in Lviv, Danil Menshikov, on Facebook on Thursday evening.

He asked people not to panic and not try to cross the border on their own.

Ukraine war: Russia has complete air sovereignty - USA sends 7000 soldiers to Germany

+++ 10:41 p.m

.: Due to the imposed state of emergency, according to information from the German Press Agency, male Ukrainian citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave the country.

The head of the Ukrainian customs authority in Lviv, Danil Menshikov, announced on Facebook on Thursday evening (February 24, 2022) that they would not be allowed to cross the national border.

He asked people not to panic and not try to cross the border on their own.

+++ 10:18 p.m .:

According to information from the US news channel CNN, Russia is said to have launched “more than 160 missiles for air attacks” during the day.

Most of the missiles were "short-range ballistic missiles".

After fierce fighting, Russian troops captured a military airfield near Kiev and the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear reactor, according to Ukrainian sources.

Ukraine war: Russia has complete air sovereignty - USA sends 7000 soldiers to Germany

+++ 9.40 p.m .:

According to Ukraine, Russian troops may have conquered the snake island in the Black Sea.

Contact with the border guard and soldiers there had been broken off, the border guard service announced on Thursday evening.

Throughout the day "the enemy" had surrounded the island and fired at it with ship cannons.

It is one of the few islands owned by Ukraine.

It is strategically important, especially for rights to mineral resources in the sea and has long been disputed between Romania and Ukraine.

Meanwhile, according to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, around 100,000 people are fleeing.

Several thousand people have already fled the country, UNHCR spokeswoman Shabia Mantoo told the AFP news agency.

+++ 9:10 p.m .:

According to Ukrainian reports, 57 people were killed on the first day of the Russian invasion.

Ukrainian Health Minister Oleh Lyashko said 57 people were killed and 169 injured on the first day of Russia's invasion of the country.

The deputy defense minister went on to say that heavy Russian shelling is still ongoing in the eastern Donetsk region.

+++ 8:05 p.m .:

According to a Western secret service representative, Russia has achieved “complete air sovereignty” over Ukraine with its major attack on Ukraine.

The secret service representative said in Brussels on Thursday that Ukraine no longer has any air defense capabilities: "They no longer have an air force to protect themselves."

People flee the Russian army in Ukraine.

© Vadim Ghirda/dpa

The Russian army is now targeting the capital Kiev, the secret service representative said.

“Much will depend on what resistance the Ukrainians can put up.

But I expect that in the coming hours the Russians will try to gather an overwhelming force around the capital.”

Meanwhile, the US government has announced that it will move more armed forces to Europe.

7000 additional soldiers are transferred to Germany.

Washington's reaction to Russia's attack on Ukraine follows: "Now I authorize the deployment of additional US forces to Germany as part of the NATO response," said US President Joe Biden in the White House on Thursday.

Ukraine Conflict: Russia Controls Chernobyl

+++ 19:17:

According to Ukrainian information, the Russian military has taken control of the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear reactor.

Russian soldiers took over the area around the nuclear power station in northern Ukraine after "bitter" fighting, said Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak on Thursday evening.

The accident reactor can therefore no longer be regarded as safe, it is "one of the most serious threats to Europe".

+++ 6 p.m .:

Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin described the invasion of neighboring Ukraine as a “necessary measure”.

"To make it clear: what is happening is a necessary measure," Putin said at a meeting with Russian business representatives on Thursday evening, excerpts of which were shown on state television.

"We were simply not given any chance to perform differently."

At the same time, Putin emphasized: "We cannot fully predict the geopolitical risks."

The imposition of new sanctions was expected.

Russia remains part of the world economy.

It won't damage this system.

At the same time, the Kremlin chief warned “our partners” against isolating Russia economically.

+++ 16:55:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi announced that the military airfield near Kiev was taken by the Russian army.

The Russian military had previously announced that they had captured Hostomel Airport near Kiev.

Zelenskyi instructed the Ukrainian army to retake the airport.

+++ 16:21:

According to the government in Kiev, the fighting in Ukraine also extends to the area of ​​the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear reactor.

A representative of the Interior Ministry in Kiev announced on Thursday that there were fighting between Ukrainian and Russian units near the nuclear waste storage facility in Chernobyl.

Russian troops entered northern Ukraine from Belarus, and the Ukrainian National Guard soldiers stationed at the nuclear waste storage facility put up "stubborn resistance" to the attack.

After invading Ukraine, Putin meets Imran Khan, Pakistan's President.

© Mikhail Klimentyev via

+++ 3.43 p.m .:

Russian airborne troops have taken control of Hostomel Airport, which is about 40 kilometers from downtown Kiev, in the Ukraine conflict, reports the US news channel CNN.

The unit's commander told CNN that a gun battle ensued - believed to be with the Ukrainian military, which it says is launching a counter-offensive to retake the airport.

+++ 15.12 p.m .:

The Ukrainian capital Kiev has triggered an air alarm because of the Russian attack, reports the AFP news agency.

On Thursday (February 24th, 2022), the city administration called on all citizens to get to safety in air raid shelters.

Kiev has about 2.8 million inhabitants.

In the morning, the air raid sirens could already be heard as a test.

According to its own account, Russia has meanwhile attacked dozens of Ukrainian military positions.

This is reported by the Interfax news agency.

A total of eleven airfields, three command posts and a naval base were "out of action".

War in Ukraine: Russian troops in front of Kiev - air raid in the capital

+++ 2.40 p.m .:

According to the city administration, six people were killed and twelve injured in the city of Brovary near the Ukrainian capital Kiev.

Russian troops had launched heavy attacks there.

Shortly before, the Ukrainian border guards reported Russian troop movements near the capital Kiev.

+++ 2.20 p.m

.: The first US troops to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank have arrived in Latvia.

A contingent of around 40 American soldiers arrived in the Baltic NATO country on Thursday night (February 24, 2022), according to the Defense Ministry in Riga.

In total, more than 300 US soldiers are to be transferred to Latvia, which borders Russia and its ally Belarus.

The troops are to be stationed at the Adazi military base.

War in Ukraine: Russia launches invasion – troops advance on Kiev

+++ 1:54 p.m .:

According to the rescue services, a Ukrainian military plane crashed near the Ukrainian capital Kiev on Thursday (February 24, 2022).

It is still being checked "how many people have died," said the emergency services.

Accordingly, the plane crashed about 50 kilometers south of Kiev city center.

Shortly before, the Ukrainian border guards had reported that Russian troops were advancing into the capital region.

The Russian armed forces therefore attacked Ukrainian positions with rockets.

An airfield in the region was also reportedly under fire.

According to rescue services, a Ukrainian military plane has crashed near the Ukrainian capital of Kiev.


+++ 1:15 p.m .:

The Russian army has apparently attacked an airfield near the capital Kiev.

According to international observers, however, three helicopters were shot down by Russia's armed forces.

This was announced by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

It had previously become known that the Russian army had advanced into the region around Kiev (see update from 1 p.m.).

Ukraine conflict: Russian army invades Kiev region

+++ 1:00 p.m .:

The Ukrainian border guard reports that the Russian army has penetrated the region of the capital Kiev as part of the Ukraine conflict *.

+++ 12.45 p.m .:

According to the local administration, eighteen people were killed in an air raid on a military base near the Ukrainian Black Sea port city of Odessa.

The Moscow Times reports.

"Eighteen people died - eight men and 10 women. At the moment we are still digging in the rubble," the Odessa regional administration said in a statement.

Ukraine conflict: Scholz condemns Russia's invasion

+++ 12.00 p.m .:

Chancellor Olaf Scholz sharply condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

With "his war" Vladimir Putin made a "serious mistake".

+++ 11.55 a.m .:

According to an adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, a second wave of Russian missiles is currently hitting Ukraine.

+++ 11.45 a.m .:

In view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, NATO goes into crisis mode.

"We have decided [...] to take additional steps to further strengthen deterrence and defenses across the Alliance," the 30 Allies said in a statement.

All measures are and will remain "preventive, proportionate and not escalating".

Ukraine conflict: Selenskyi calls to arms

+++ 11.20

a.m .: In his speech (see update from 10.45 a.m.) the Ukrainian President Selenskyi spontaneously switched to the Russian language and called on the Russian population to protest against the invasion and the war.

"Today at 7 p.m. in the centers of our cities.

Russians are against war,” opposition politician and activist Marina Litvinotivsh wrote on Facebook.

+++ 11.00 a.m .:

Ukraine has broken off all diplomatic relations with Russia in response to the Russian invasion.

+++ 10.45 a.m .:

The Ukrainian President Selenskyi has called on his compatriots to arm themselves.

“We have the right to live on our soil.

Russia attacked us like fascist Germany attacked in World War II.

Russia is on the side of evil,” he said in a speech.

An explosion in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine.

© Aris Messinis/AFP

"We will put a weapon in the hands of anyone who is ready to defend Ukraine," Zelenskyi said.

The Ukrainian President also confirmed that there were numerous deaths among the armed forces.

"We are under attack from north, east and south."

Ukraine conflict: Baerbock announces "massive sanctions" against Russia

+++ 10.00 a.m .:

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has announced a “package with the most massive sanctions against Russia”.

The Western community of states has already prepared this package and will now "get it under way" after the Russian attack on Ukraine, said Baerbock on Thursday in Berlin.

During the course of the day, discussions will take place within the framework of the EU, NATO and the G7 group, she said.

+++ 9.50 a.m .:

Alexander Lukashenko, head of state of Belarus, has commented on the war in Ukraine.

Belarus is not involved in this, he stressed.

This was reported by the Belta news agency.

However, reports from Thursday morning contradict Lukashenko's statements.

Among other things, CNN reported that Russian and Belarusian forces attacked the border of Ukraine.

This should primarily affect eastern Ukraine.

+++ 9.35 a.m .:

The German embassy in the Ukrainian capital Kiev has again issued a warning.

“Stay in a safe place.

Avoid crowds of people,” it says.

An evacuation from Ukraine is currently not possible.

Conflict in Ukraine: Conflicting reports circulate

+++ 8.30 a.m .:

The Russian Ministry of Defense reports that the domestic air force was rendered harmless during the invasion of Ukraine.

Numerous locations were destroyed with “precision-guided ammunition”.

According to the Kremlin, the Ukrainian armed forces did not offer any resistance.

The information provided by the Ukrainian army contradicts this Russian statement.

According to several reports, fire was returned.

+++ 8.20 a.m .:

Recordings from the Reuters news agency show how Russian tanks roll into the port city of Mariupol in eastern Ukraine.

At the same time, long traffic jams form on main traffic arteries as citizens flee the city.

+++ 8.10 a.m .:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has called for “immediate sanctions” against Russia.

Ukraine now needs defense assistance, he wrote on Twitter after a phone call with Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

+++ 8:00 a.m .:

There are apparently the first victims around the capital Kiev.

This was announced by an adviser to the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior.

+++ 7.50 a.m .:

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner has announced “tough sanctions” for Russia.

"Putin has exposed himself as a liar," the statement said.

+++ 7.45 a.m .:

Separatists have reported that they have taken two small towns in eastern Ukraine.

These are apparently Stanytsia Luhanska and Shchastya.



capital city



44.13 million (2020)


Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Ukraine conflict: people flee Kiev

+++ 6.40 a.m .:

An emergency NATO meeting was scheduled for Thursday morning.

Around noon, the first details on measures and sanctions by the member states are to be given at a press conference.

According to Volodymir Borisenko, mayor of the city of Borispol near Kiev, numerous explosions in the capital are due to the Ukrainian air force.

"They heard explosions.

Calm down, that's our army responding to unknown aircraft," he told the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta.

A tank of the Ukrainian army moves into position.

(Archive photo) © Press service of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine/AFP

+++ 6:05 a.m .:

The Ukrainian President Selenskyi has officially declared a state of war.

He announced this in a video message.

He called on the people of Ukraine to stay indoors.

"We are strong.

We are ready for anything.

We will win," said Selenskyi.

+++ 5.50 a.m .:

There were apparently five explosions at the airport in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev.

This is reported by CNN, citing the Ministry of the Interior.

Ukraine conflict escalates: Russia starts invasion at night

+++ 5.40 a.m .:

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has appealed to Vladimir Putin to stop the Russian attack on Ukraine.

"In the name of humanity, get your troops back," he said after an emergency UN Security Council meeting in New York.

+++ 5.30 a.m .:

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has now definitely begun.

Armed forces crossed the borders near Kharkiv on Thursday night.

There were explosions in several cities, including numerous locations along the border.

There are also reports of a Black Sea Fleet landing operation in the Sea of ​​Azov and in Odessa.

US President Joe Biden called the invasion of Russia an "unjustified attack".

Vladimir Putin had previously announced his actions in the nightly TV speech as a "military operation".

This is reported by CNN and BBC, among others.

First report:

After the pro-Russian separatist areas in eastern Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk, asked Russia for military support (see update from February 23, 2022, 10:20 p.m.), Ukraine called the UN Security Council for the second time.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter that help is needed again in the international conflict.

So far it is unclear how the United Nations will react to Ukraine's request for help.

Meanwhile, Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck has reacted to the latest developments in the Ukraine conflict.

The ARD * said the Vice-Chancellor that Europe is facing a massive land war: "I think that if you start such an armament spiral, it will be difficult to get out of it," said the Green politician *.

In the current situation, Russia is the clear aggressor and is bringing about a war, Habeck emphasized in an interview.

This is a situation that points to a war of aggression.

(skr/tu with dpa/AFP)

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.