The Limited Times

"They are disqualified": in a meeting in Caen, Pécresse pounded Zemmour, Le Pen and Mélenchon

2/26/2022, 7:17:23 PM

Traveling to Normandy, the LR candidate for the presidential election unleashed her blows against three of her main opponents.

Special Envoy to Normandy,

To discover

  • Compare the programs of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election

  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon, his strategy, his statements... Follow his campaign on the Figaro app

  • Eric Zemmour, his supporters, his travels... Follow his campaign with the Figaro application

  • Valérie Pécresse, her proposals, her supporters... Follow her campaign with the Figaro app

  • Marine Le Pen, her strategy, her proposals... Follow her campaign with the Figaro app

  • Yves Thréard presents Le Club Le Figaro Presidentielle, our new political program

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Shame on them.

“Saturday, throughout the day, Valérie Pécresse continued to pound Éric Zemmour, Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Traveling to Normandy, the LR candidate for the presidential election attacked her three closest opponents in the polls, who she says are "


" by their past positions on Russia.

In the morning, after gathering near the Cross of Lorraine not far from a Landing beach, the contender launched several attacks against the candidates for Reconquest, the National Rally and France Insoumise.

They choose to defend Vladimir Putin, I choose Ukraine and democracy

“, she launched, mocking the volte-face of the three political figures on the subject since the beginning of the Russian attacks in Ukraine.

Read alsoHubert Védrine: “Putin is making a historic mistake”

In difficulty in the polls after two complicated weeks, the candidate LR decided to let go of her blows against her opponents…

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