The Limited Times

War in Ukraine: resistance facilitated by urban combat

2/26/2022, 7:05:29 PM

DECRYPTION - The Battle of Kiev opens a new chapter, that of urban warfare, the most feared for armies, including Russians.

The Ukrainians resist, arousing admiration.

The battle turns out to be more difficult than expected for the Russian army.

The balance of power is very favorable to the Russians, but they are attacking in several places at the same time

”, indicates a source well informed on the state of the conflict initiated since Thursday by Vladimir Putin.

Its main objective remains the capital to overthrow the regime of Volodymyr Zelensky.

In this high-intensity conflict, the Battle of Kiev opens a new chapter, that of urban warfare, the most feared for armies, including Russians.

To discover

  • LIVE - Follow minute by minute the evolution of the war in Ukraine and the battle of Kiev

Read alsoIn Kiev, the Ukrainian army resists the Russian assaults

The rules of war recommend engaging in a conflict in a favorable balance of power.

In urban areas, it must be "

eight times higher

", advise the French soldiers in their own doctrine.

Nothing indicates what is the logic followed by the Russian army, but the constraints are the same.

In town, the loss rate is eight times higher than in a normal fight

”, we explained a few months ago to “


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