The Limited Times

Nicolas Baverez: “We are in 1938!”

2/27/2022, 6:53:40 PM

CHRONICLE - The challenge launched by Vladimir Putin's Russia today represents a mortal threat to Europe.

By invading Ukraine on February 24, a sovereign and democratic country of 43 million inhabitants, Vladimir Putin initiated a military conflict unprecedented since 1945 and brought war to the heart of Europe.

Its objective is not limited to the annexation of Ukraine, denied as a nation, as a people and as a state.

It aims to reconstitute the Soviet empire, as explained in the draft agreements sent to NATO last December.

Anyone who bet that Russia would be satisfied with Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008, Crimea and Donbass in 2014 has been seriously mistaken.

All those who claim today that it will stop in Kiev are mistaken.

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Four maps to understand the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

Russia has embarked on a global war against democracy and Europe which mobilizes all the levers of hybrid conflicts: open recourse to armed force;

large-scale cyberattacks;

gas and migrant blackmail;

disinformation and support for populist forces…

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