The Limited Times

Pensions, taxes, civil servants… The shock measures that Macron wants to sell to the French

2/27/2022, 8:36:21 PM

DECRYPTION – A few days before his official entry into the campaign, the president is fine-tuning an economic project based on the continuity of his first five-year term.

Ideas are not what the future candidate Macron lacks.

From all sides, notes and files have flocked to the Élysée in recent months, each hoping to leave their mark on the campaign and, who knows, thus win a beautiful morocco in the event of re-election, on April 24th... For weeks, month even, the exercise kept the troops in tension, before the Ukrainian crisis came to freeze everything a few days before the start of the campaign of the Head of State.

“The tensions reinforce the position of the president because I do not think that the French are ready to change captain in the storm,

wants to believe one of his visitors.

But if there is no campaign and Emmanuel Macron cannot formally present the measures he intends to implement, he will suffer later during the execution.

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Emmanuel Macron forced to remain president "until the last quarter of an hour"

But what measures are we talking about?

Nobody, with the exception of the future candidate and the general secretary of the Élysée, Alexis Kohler, can answer this question.

"It won't be...

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