The Limited Times

Presidential D-42: candidate Macron hindered by Ukraine, Pécresse takes out the sulfateuse, Bayrou sponsors Le Pen

2/27/2022, 7:17:59 PM

Find your daily political meeting every day: "8:22 p.m. - The Presidential Letter". Dear subscribers, This is certainly not how we imagined the entry into the campaign of Emmanuel Macron. A president blocked by a major crisis at the gates of Europe occupying it full time, preventing the pretender from hatching and fully engaging in the battle. It must be said that the tenant of the Élysée has so postponed the announcement of his candidacy that he finds himself with his back to t

Dear subscribers,

This is certainly not how we imagined the entry into the campaign of Emmanuel Macron.

A president blocked by a major crisis at the gates of Europe occupying it full time, preventing the pretender from hatching and fully engaging in the battle.

It must be said that the tenant of the Élysée has so postponed the announcement of his candidacy that he finds himself with his back to the wall six weeks before the first round.

Because it is in the whirlwind of the war between Ukraine and Russia that he will formalize by Friday his intention to run for a second term.

If it is not a surprise for anyone, the modalities of this speech still remain to be decided at the highest summit of the State.

We will come back to this week which

crucial announcement for both the army chief and the candidate, hit hard by this crisis.

Also on the program this evening, Valérie Pécresse who is trying to install a divide between pro and anti-Putin in the presidential cast.


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