The Limited Times

Ukraine: “The Long War”

2/27/2022, 8:24:00 PM

The editorial of Le Figaro by Philippe Gélie. It was to be a blitzkrieg, to the point of not even deserving the name, a “special military operation” about which it would be superfluous to inform the public in Russia. The powerfully modernized "tactical battalions" of the master of the Kremlin would sweep over the wheat plains of Ukraine and sweep away the puppet defense of this "non-country" , a band of mannequins) dressed as soldiers by the

It was to be a blitzkrieg, to the point of not even deserving the name, a

“special military operation”

about which it would be superfluous to inform the public in Russia.

The powerfully modernized "tactical battalions" of the master of the Kremlin would sweep over the wheat plains of Ukraine and sweep away the puppet defense of this


, a band of mannequins) dressed as soldiers by the United States, surely as effective as their pitiful Afghan counterparts…

But now, on the fourth day of the scenario, the perspective is changing.

The Ukrainian army and the population itself refuse to lie down before the invader.

The young President Zelensky, who has gone from "Dancing with the Stars" sequins to combat fatigues, embodies the reality of this conflict: the invasion of Ukraine is not the regrettable hostile takeover of a brother country, it is a life or death stake for a nation that refuses to be enslaved by a foreign dictator.

The battle of Kharkiv, a large city near…

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