The Limited Times

Ukraine conflict: Russia puts nuclear forces on alert

2/27/2022, 1:47:55 PM

Ukraine conflict: Russia puts nuclear forces on alert Created: 02/27/2022Updated: 02/27/2022, 2:40 p.m By: Richard Strobl Breaking news from IPPEN MEDIA. (symbol image) © IPPEN MEDIA The next level of escalation has apparently been reached in the Ukraine conflict. Russia has put its nuclear forces on alert. Moscow - In the Ukraine conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin has apparently init

Ukraine conflict: Russia puts nuclear forces on alert

Created: 02/27/2022Updated: 02/27/2022, 2:40 p.m

By: Richard Strobl

Breaking news from IPPEN MEDIA.

(symbol image) © IPPEN MEDIA

The next level of escalation has apparently been reached in the Ukraine conflict.

Russia has put its nuclear forces on alert.

Moscow - In the Ukraine conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin has apparently initiated the next level of escalation.

He put the country's nuclear forces on alert.

Putin announced this on Russian television on Sunday.

 "I am instructing the defense minister and the chief of staff to put the Russian army's deterrent forces on special combat readiness," Putin said during a televised meeting with senior military officials.

As a background, the President of Russia cited the "aggressive behavior" of NATO and the economic sanctions imposed

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